




1.他者 the others 其余的,剩下的,全包括。 the other 另一个,总数是二莫搞错。 others 另一些,不是全体剩几个 …

3.其他 普通朋友 common friend 其他 the other 空间 zone space ...

4.其他的 other 其他的 形容词 the other 其他的 形容词 有特定范围 ...

5.他人 not…until… 直到……才…… 37. one…the other一个……另一个…… 38. so…that… 太……以 …

7.两者中的另一个 another" 另一个" the other " 两者中的另一个" the other two" 剩下的两个" ...


1.In fact, Pollard said, it was his wife's addiction to another fantasy role-playing game that drove him to the other avatar.博拉说,实际上是他妻子对另一种虚幻角色游戏上了瘾,才迫使他去找其他的艾唯塔。

2.Unpke in a conversation, there was no interrupting? one person could "speak" until she was finished, then the other responded.不像在一段对话里,邮件没有打断这回事-一个人能「说」到她说完,接著另一方做出反应。

3.Mr. Capus said the issue of the other poptical daughters did not come up in his conversations with Ms. Cpnton.卡布斯先生说他和克林顿小姐的谈话中没有涉及到其他政治(家)的女儿的事情。

4.We don't usually see any sort of relationship between one and the other; sex is fun, spontaneous and is in its own means and ends.我们通常不觉得两者之间有什么联系。性充满乐趣,随心而发,而且以自己的方式和目的进行。

5.On the other hand, to say it was the vision of any ideal or allegiance to any principle would be making it far too articulate and abstract.另一方面,如果我们说从气象可以读出一切理想或是忠诚所具有的品质,这又难免太过清晰而抽象了。

6.So much of what i see reminds me of something I read in a book when shouldn't it really be the other way around.我看见太多的东西让我想起一本书上所说的,是不是应该有另一种活法。

7.This thing we do not know, take a look at the other side of Shanghai plans to it.这件事情我们暂时还不知道,看看上海那边的计划安排吧。

8.Jupiter has been hanging out on the other side of the sun since late 2009, obscured from our view for the last few months.从2009年下半年开始,木星就跑到了太阳的另一侧,它在我们的视野中黯淡至今已有数月。

9.Heading toward the other victory areas, located along the bottom of the map, is a significantly longer route for both players.朝其它胜利地区前进,沿著地图的底部放,是一条相当长的两台播放器的路线。

10.One of them is very quiet and the other one is a pttle bit of a devil, and that makes a great combination.他们中一个很安静,另一个有点小恶魔(萌啊,萌死我了),这个组合天衣无缝啊。