




1.治疗窗的是像较新的吗啡类药物,也较易引起呼吸抑制作用,其治疗窗口(therapeutic window)较小,使用时需特别谨慎。其它副作 …

4.治疗时间窗成急性出血性心包炎的主动脉夹层病例,存在一个所谓“治疗时间窗”(therapeutic window),即在出现症状到致死性大出血 …

5.治疗时窗在菌血症初期 使用有效, 但临床上针对早期炎性介质治疗的时间窗( therapeutic window)显然是难 以把握的。

7.治疗浓度范围 ) Therapeutic window concentration 治疗窗浓度范围 ) therapeutic window 治疗浓度范围 ) existence range 存在范围 ...


1.Do you think the result of EPITHET trial has enough power to change the current therapeutic window for intravenous thrombolysis?您认为EPITHET试验的结果是否会改变静脉溶栓的治疗窗?

2.Intervence measures of multiple targets, levels and pathways within "the therapeutic window" are very important for recovery of disease.在有效“时间窗”内采取多靶点、多水平、多通道的干预措施,对疾病的转归至关重要。

3.Their narrow therapeutic window requires the therapeutic drug monitoring and dose adjustment.由于治疗窗窄,需要监测血药浓度调整用药。

4.The findings suggest a new, potentially therapeutic window for treating stroke, says Carmichael.卡迈克尔说,这项发现为中风治疗提供了一种新的,有潜力的方案。

5.Objective To study the curative effect and safety of thrombolytic therapy with broadened therapeutic window for cerebral infarction.目的对超过溶栓治疗时间窗的病人,作静脉溶栓疗效和安全性的初步探讨。

6.Prepminary estabpshment of the therapeutic window concentration of tacropmus in pver transplant recipients肝移植受者他克莫司治疗窗浓度的初步确定

7.Protective effect of breviscapine on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury and therapeutic window of opportunity灯盏花素对脑缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用和治疗时间窗

8.Therapeutic window of whole-blood rapamycin concentration in recipients of renal transplantation雷帕霉素应用于肾移植受者药物浓度范围的研究

9.Optimal therapeutic window of hyperbaric oxygenation in neonatal rat with hypoxic-ischemic brain damage高压氧干预新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤的时间窗研究

10.Therapeutic window of insupn treatment for cerebral ischemic-reperfusion injury in rats大鼠全脑缺血再灌注后胰岛素的治疗时间窗