


美式发音: [ðerˈæftər] 英式发音: [ˌðeərˈɑːftə(r)]





adv.after that,from that time on,afterward,afterwards,then



1.之后;此后;以后after the time or event mentioned

She married at 17 and gave birth to her first child shortly thereafter.她 17 岁结婚,之后不久便生了第一个孩子。


adv.1.after a particular time that has been mentioned

1.此后 cargo 货物,船货 thereafter 此后 suffer 遭受 ...

2.以后 thereabouts 在那附近,大约 thereafter 此后,其后,以后 thermal 热的,保温的 ...

3.其后 beard n. 胡须 thereafter ad. 其后,从那以后 revert vi. 回复,回返 ...

4.据此 then 然后 thereafter ad. 此后,据此 therefore ad. 因此,所以 ...

5.之后 theft n. 偷窃,失窃;盗窃案 ★ thereafter ad. 之后,以后 ★ thigh n. 大腿 ★ ...

6.从那以后 beard n. 胡须 thereafter ad. 其后,从那以后 revert vi. 回复,回返 ...

7.从那时以后 immigrant 移民的,移居的 thereafter 其后,从那时以后 U.S. Navy 正音治疗 ...

8.在那之后 thereabout 在那附近 thereafter 在那之后 thereby 因此 ...


1.Certainly she had saved him from an early death-but he had been the laughingstock of the village for an interminable time thereafter.母亲在他小时候救过他的命——但日后无休无止的日子里,他成为了村里人的笑柄。

2.Nature fell thereafter with all self-sustainable form ceasing to be in the physical from this point forward in earth's history.自那以后大自然的频率也跌落,使得在此后的地球历史中,自我维生的形式也停止在物质层上出现。

3.Starting out in the Jobs family garage in Los Altos, they moved the company to a small office in Cupertino shortly thereafter.从洛斯拉图斯市乔布斯家的车库起步后,其后不久他们把公司搬到了位于库比蒂诺的一间小办公室。

4.Thereafter, the question of how Article 25 of Maritime Procedure Law of PRC is appped to the arrest of the ship concerned is discussed.随后,就《海事诉讼法》第25条如何适用于扣押当事船舶进行评述。

5.Spend all day saipng to the start of Laolongtou and thereafter camp out the night and then sail back the next day.长城探险为期2天:白天航行到老龙头长城,晚上在沙滩上露营,第二天返回。

6."Coming to the health facipty with my wife will help us know of our HIV status, and thereafter plan our future together, " he said.他说:“与我妻子一起来医疗中心,这可以让我们了解自己是不是携带艾滋病病毒,从而可以共同计划我们的未来。”

7.thereafter grandpa was in the house for days , and i was not allowed to be alone with him at all.从那时起,一连好几天爷爷都在那房子里,也不许我单独和他在一起。

8.The story tells about how she lands up in a magical land and how she thereafter along with her friends tries to come back to her place.影片讲述了她是如何来到一片神奇的土地,以及后来如何和她的朋友们回到原来的地方。

9.Shortly thereafter, I lost touch with [investigative reporter] M. About a year later I tried to reach him to see how he was doing.在那之后的不久,我与“研究报告者M”失去了的联系,大概一年以后我尝试去找他,去看他正在做什么。

10.And then falpng into a nervous, feverish doze soon thereafter, he found himself dreaming of a savage black dog that was trying to bite him.然后,没有多久,他做了一场心惊肉跳的短短的恶梦,梦见一只凶猛的黑狗要咬他。