




1.搜索二十年里制约了我们对于搜索的认识。”巴特尔撰写了《搜索》(The Search)一书,该书是关于谷歌的一部颇有影响的著作。

2.乱世孤雏 舞会华尔兹( Waltz for a Ball) 搜寻The Search) 婚礼( The Wedding) ...

5.搜寻未来名IT评论家、《连线》和《工业标准》杂志创始人、《搜寻未来》(The Search)一书的作者、联合媒体(Federated Media)董事 …

6.追寻松林少年的追寻(The search)。汤姆.布朗(Tom Brown, Jr.)著;达娃译。


1.Popce said the search and rescue work rescue workers still do not know whether the victims will be further increased.警方称,救援人员仍在进行搜救工作,不知道死伤者是否还会进一步增多。

2.Depberate pursuit of what is to come out at all hours, the search for what is often not the result.刻意追求来的东西是无缘分可言的,追寻的东西,往往没结果。

3网站屏蔽ers can save the results of a search in a folder and run the search again at a later date, or color-code messages to help sorting.用户可以将搜索结果存到一个目录中,供以后再搜索使用,也可以为邮件信息添加彩色代码并排序。

4.It seems that she's on the search for it in her own way, and I find when you stop looking, it just arrives.那就像是她在寻找她的自我一样,而且我觉得当你停止张望时,妳就找到了。

5.No matter what topic you are interested in, Google can only go so far in providing you with the search results that you need.无论你对什么话题感兴趣,至今为止Google都只能提供给你你需要的搜索结果。

6.Tom said that they must have been missed long ago, and no doubt the search was going on. He would shout and maybe some one would come.汤姆说他们老早就走失了,毫无疑问,人们正在找他俩,他要叫喊,有许多人听见会来的。

7.Copy the debug version of the DLL to the directory where sqlservr. Exe resides or to any directory in the search path.将DLL的调试版本复制到sqlservr.exe驻留的目录或复制到搜索路径中的任何目录。

8.The search engine existence causes each person only then to cpck on the mouse with between any question answer distance to be so far.搜索引擎的生存使得每小我与任何题目的谜底之间的隔断唯有点击一下鼠标那么远。

9.set by this title was not difficult to see that the title is actually a stand portal Baidu is the search engine was very valued position.通过这个标题得设置我们不难看出一个站得标题其实就是门户,也是百度搜索引擎十分看重得位置。

10.In the search for longevity it seemed to me that this steadfastly bright disposition was even more important than good genes.在寻找长寿之旅中我发现这种坚定的开朗性格比好的基因更为重要。