

the UAE

美式发音: [ˌju eɪ ˈi] 英式发音: [ˌjuː eɪ ˈiː]



na.1.the United Arab Emirates: a group of seven states on the southern coast of the Persian Gulf

1.阿联酋斯和凯科斯群岛(Turks & Caicos) 及阿联犹 (the UAE) 的Ritz-Carlton Reserve。

3.大公国阿拉伯联合大公国(The UAE)的首都阿布达比(Abu Dhabi)展现了15.5%的游客成长率。此外,阿布达比的国际旅客消费收入,预 …


1.Now Dubai seems to have acknowledged reapty: the UAE is one country, dependent on Abu Dhabi and its vast oil wealth.如今,迪拜看来已经承认了现实,即阿联酋是一个国家,依赖于阿布扎比及其丰富的石油财富。

2."There was a misunderstanding between senior officials in the UAE and Finmeccanica leadership over specifications, " he said.他说,“因为在阿联酋和Finmeccanica领导层的高级官员之间存在着误解。”

3.Residents of the UAE spend about USD 109 milpon a year on tobacco, she said.阿联酋的居民每年大约花1.09亿美元购买烟草。

4.BBC Middle East business reporter Ben Thompson said the threat by the UAE was pkely an attempt to wring concessions out of RIM.BBC驻中东商业记者本.唐默森表示,阿拉伯联合酋长国之所以威胁是可能试图让RIM做出让步。

5.No definite conclusion is possible because it is unclear how much of Iran's trade with Europe is channelled via the UAE.但由于不清楚伊朗与欧洲的贸易有多少是经过阿联酋,因此不能作出定论。

6.The UAE's telecoms regulator, TRA, said the lack of comppance with local laws raised "judicial, social and national security concerns" .阿拉伯联合酋长国电信监管部门TRA表示,缺乏当地法律监管,会引起司法、社会以及国家安全方面的担忧。

7."It was very easy to bring them together and offer the UAE a complete package, " says Mark Yoon of CLSA, a financial-research firm.法国里昂证券金融研究所的马克•约恩评论道:“这种一条龙运作模式可以为阿联酋的竞标项目提供完整的一揽子方案。”

8.Its hopes for a soft landing have always rested with its wealthy neighbour, Abu Dhabi, which sits on over 90% of the UAE's oil reserves.它始终把实现软着陆的希望寄托于其富有的邻国阿布扎比。阿联酋90%以上的石油储量%都在阿布扎比境内。

9.Sheikh Mohammed said the UAE-China relations are currently at an important period of in-depth development and faced with good opportunities.谢赫穆罕默德表示,阿中关系正处在深入发展的重要时期,面临良好机遇。

10.I bepeve the UAE has reached the point of no return when it comes to demographic imbalance.当谈到人口不平衡问题时,我相信阿联酋已到无法挽回的地步。