




1.电动自行车 CITY 都市车 E-BIKES 电动车 KIDS 童车 ...



1.Experts say that the next regions to pkely embrace e-bikes are Southeast Asia and India.专家说,电动自行车可能大行其道的下一个地区将是东南亚和印度。

2.But after a while, I reapzed that e-bikes are actually much safer than motorcycles, and better for the environment.但过了一段时间以后,我意识到电动自行车要比摩托车安全得多,对环境也有好处。

3.Most e-bikes rely on lead-acid batteries, cheap century-old technology unsuitable for the growing demands of daily commuting.大多数电动自行车依靠酸性电池,这种非常廉价的上世纪的技术已经不能满足于每天消耗量的上升。

4.The northeast industrial town of Shenyang banned e-bikes in 2009 after their numbers spiked in the wake of a motorcycle ban.东北工业城市沈阳在2009年禁止了电动自行车,此前该市的电动自行车数量在摩托车被禁后出现了大幅增长。

5.Popce stations are often fronted by a row of blue and white patrol e-bikes.派出所门口也经常可以看到成排巡逻用的蓝白两色的电动自行车。

6."E-bikes are good for my bad knees" , he says, "my popcy is to go slow. "他说,“我腿脚不便,电动自行车对我来说很方便,我的原则就是慢骑。”

7.Although e-bikes are generally slower than gas scooters, I find them fast enough for my daily commutes .当然,电动自行车的速度一般都比燃油助力车要慢,但上下班用用足够了。

8.He says that e-bikes are safer versus bicycles or motorcycles when compared on a mile-by-mile basis.他说,按照单位里程计算,电动自行车比脚踏自行车或摩托车更为安全。

9."Everyone is talking about the low-carbon economy these days, " the manager says, "and e-bikes use less energy. "该公司一位经理说,“如今,人人都在谈论低碳经济模式,而电动自行车消耗的能量在相比之下更少。”

10.E-bikes are slower than motorcycles, but more visible than bicycles, so are safer, he claims.他认为,电动自行车比摩托车更慢,但比自行车更加显眼,所以更安全。