




1.他们是 ... don’t=do not 不要 they’re=theyare 他(她;它)们是 1. Engpsh teacher 2. mathteacher 英语老师 数学老师 ...


1.Punctuation marks: Marks to be put into a piece of witting for clarity of meaning.Theyare标点符号:加放于文章内,使含意清楚的符号。

2.Theyare looking for undeclared, undeclared d goods, and people, including terrorists, trying to enter the country illegally.他们防止违禁品,未申报的物品,偷渡者(包括恐怖分子)等非法进入美国。

3.Theyare almost all men, with a small attachment of women in noninfantry jobs. Manyare begging to see combat. Others dread the prospect.他们大多是男人,以及一少部分做技术工作的女性。大多数人都渴望战斗,其他人则对前途担忧。

4.Theyare widely used for measuring length and shape and position deviation and also can be used as reading devices.广泛用于长度、形位误差的测量,也可作为读数装置。

5.Theyare a young group so it is much easier for me and I can speak to quite a few ofthe lads in the team.这是一支年轻的队伍,所以对我来说更好适应,我能和这些小伙子们一起聊天呢。

6.When you're at thegrocery store with your children, give them part of the shopping pst that theyare responsible for.当你和你的孩子在商店购物时,给他们一部分购物清单让他们去完成。

7.Theyare natural romantics and love to dream. . . the difference is they may have the drive to make them come true.他们天生浪漫,喜好幻想…不同的是,他们可以以此为动力使得梦想成真。

8.Theyare eating so much th from they are pushing out native reef species.它们吃得过多乃至于遏制了当地的珊瑚礁种群进展。

9.Check pressures and fluid inlet temperature be sure theyare within specified range.检查流体压力和温度并取保他们在可用流体范围内。

10.Scientists say theyare aware of eight cases so far this year.科学家们称本年度内已经发生八起这样的事件。