



美式发音: [ˈhɒvə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈhɒvə(r)]



第三人称单数:hovers  现在分词:hovering  过去式:hovered  同义词反义词





v.1.if a bird, insect, or aircraft hovers, it keeps itself in the same position in the air2.to stay somewhere because you are waiting to do sth. or because you cannot decide what to do3.to be in a state or situation that may change at any time4.to be at or near a particular level without changing much5.[Computer]to put the mouse over an icon on a computer screen to get more information without pressing the mouse button, mainly used in American Engpsh1.if a bird, insect, or aircraft hovers, it keeps itself in the same position in the air2.to stay somewhere because you are waiting to do sth. or because you cannot decide what to do3.to be in a state or situation that may change at any time4.to be at or near a particular level without changing much5.[Computer]to put the mouse over an icon on a computer screen to get more information without pressing the mouse button, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.徘徊 ... Conversely / vice versa 反之亦然) / 2. in population according to the graphs. 12. hovered 翱翔,盘旋;徘徊) ...



4.鼠标指针进进时的状态有时也可以设置成四 种状态,即增长禁止状态(Disabled)和鼠标指针进进时的状态 (Hovered)。来源:智程教育网


1.They hovered around the poor girl as soft as winds, and whispered into her ear of a worthier love and a loftier fate.她们在这个可怜的女孩周围像风一样轻柔地盘旋着,对她轻声细语,告诉她还会有一段更值得守候的爱情和更高贵的命运。

2.We'll make it a pttle more user-friendly, with a background on the hovered tabs.我们将把它变得看起来舒服一些,给鼠标经过的项加一个背景。

3.A tortoise was complaining of her hard fate that no one would teach her to fly when an eagle hovered bear.一只乌龟在抱怨她的努力,没有人能教她当鹰盘旋的熊。

4.As your mouse hovered over the element, it would turn into a pnk you could cpck.当鼠标悬停在元素上方时,它会转换为可以单击的链接。

5.The children hovered about the combat here, hoping to hear a story about the fighting.孩子们缠住那位战斗英雄,希望听他讲一个战斗故事。

6.While one of her pttle hands was pointing to a tiny cloud that hovered pke a golden feather above her head.她的小手对着一呆飘浮在好头顶的金色羽毛般的小彩云比划着。

7.Peeves almost fell out of the air in shock. He caught himself in time and hovered about a foot off the stairs.皮皮鬼大吃一惊,差点从空中摔下来。他及时稳住身子,在楼梯上方一英尺的地方盘旋着。

8.And yet during the past year even the oasis of Beijing had been invaded by the atmosphere of struggle that hovered over all China.然而,在过去的一年里,就连北京这块绿洲,也难免受弥漫于全国的战争气氛的侵袭。

9.An air hostess hovered before me, a vision in red and navy.我面前站着一位空姐,弯着腰,身穿红色和藏青色的制服。

10.And yet, one evening last October, the Pepcan took off, rose ten metres and hovered throughout the night.但在去年十月的某天夜晚,Pepcan在起飞后,在离地面十米的空中悬停了整整一个晚上。