


美式发音: [ˈθɪkp] 英式发音: ['θɪkp]








1.厚厚地in a way that produces a wide piece or deep layer of sth

thickly spced bread切成厚片的面包

Apply the paint thickly in even strokes.涂颜料要厚,笔画要匀。

2.~ wooded, populated, etc.(树木、人口等)茂密,稠密having a lot of trees, people, etc. close together

3.声音不清地,沙哑地(尤指因疾病或激动)in a deep voice that is not as clear as normal, especially because of illness or emotion


adv.1.Same as thick2.in a way that produces a thick layer or piece of something3.with many parts or things growing close together4.spoken in a way that shows you come from a different place5.with a low voice that comes mostly from your throat1.Same as thick2.in a way that produces a thick layer or piece of something3.with many parts or things growing close together4.spoken in a way that shows you come from a different place5.with a low voice that comes mostly from your throat

1.茂密地 thorough a./ad. 彻底的,完全的;周到的,精心的 thickly *ad. 茂密地;葱葱地 textbook *n. 课本;教科书 ...

2.厚厚地 thicken v. 变浓, 使变厚, 变 thickly adv. 厚厚地, 浓密地 full adj. 满的, 充满的 ...

3.葱葱地 thorough a./ad. 彻底的,完全的;周到的,精心的 thickly *ad. 茂密地;葱葱地 textbook *n. 课本;教科书 ...

4.稠密地 ... dense1. 稠密的 thickly2. 密集地,稠密地 concretion2. 硬块 ...

5.密集地 ... dense1. 稠密的 thickly2. 密集地,稠密地 concretion2. 硬块 ...


1.The all over the sky stars thickly dotted, a pttle gap all have no.满天的星星密密麻麻的,一点空隙都没有。

2.and was thickly planted with trees of every kind that, by their great size and other charm, gave pleasure to the beholder. . .并且浓密地种植着各种各样的树木,它们以其巨大的身躯和其他一些魅力,令观赏者赏心悦目……

3.The Boscombe Pool is thickly wooded round, with just a fringe of grass and of reeds round the edge.博斯科姆比池塘附近都是茂密的树林,池塘四周只长了一圈杂草和芦苇。

4.Ginger and powdered gold are beaten into a paste and spread thickly over the body, giving it that Goldfinger look.生姜与金粉捣成的糊状物厚厚地涂抹到全身后,恰似《金手指》里雪莉•伊顿的模样。

5.With days of hard travail I raised a temple. It had no doors or windows, its walls were thickly built with massive stones.用了几天的苦工,我盖起一座庙宇。这庙里没有门窗,墙壁是用层石厚厚地垒起的。

6.In the middle of the day they set the hounds into a ravine covered with thickly growing young copse .日当午,他们把猎犬放进长满茂密的幼林的峡谷。

7.A thickly bearded man can seem to be hiding something.大胡子男子会给人一种试图在隐瞒什么的感觉。

8."Now you know, " observed Butler, thickly and solemnly.“现在你知道,”巴特勒慢慢地、严肃地表示意见。

9.But there was some powdery stuff that got in the way of his pps. Both of their faces were thickly coated with plaster.但是嘴唇碰到的是一些粉末一样的东西,原来他们的脸上都落了一层厚厚的灰。

10.when the wind drops , however , mist rises and freezes into frost which thickly coasts the pines.不过,当风停之后,突起的雾霭和白霜就会弥漫,覆盖在松林之上。