




1.三十元 二十 Twenty 三十元 Thirty Dollars 你好! How are you. ...

2.三十美元 ... I want these runners. 我想要这双运动鞋。 Thirty dollars. 三十美元。 Do you have any balls? 你有一些球么? ...


1.Considering that she's been searching for this doll since the moment Ondine was born, a hundred and thirty dollars is not so much to spend.既然她从翁蒂娜出生那天就开始寻找这么一个娃娃了,130美元的价格也不算离谱了。

2.He had been afraid that Xiangzi was lying and that the thirty dollars were loot, in which case he did not want to take charge of it.他怕祥子的话有鬼病,万一那三十块钱是抢了来的呢,他不便代人存着赃物。

3.there was no less than thirty dollars in the drawer.抽屉里少说也有三十美元。

4.The important thing now was to make him give her twenty-five or thirty dollars wherewith to bind this wonderful agreement.目前重要的是要他拿出二十五或三十美元来,以便落实这绝妙的协议。

5.Users without the current version, Snow Leopard, will have to pay an extra thirty dollars to download the new release.没有安装苹果当前雪豹版本的操作系统的用户将需要额外支付30美元来下载这个最新版本。

6.b: all right. that comes to thirty dollars. why don't you send your printed matter by surface mail? sending it pke this is much cheaper.好,一共三十美元。为什么你不按普通邮件寄这印刷品?那样要便宜得多。

7.The CEA says consumers will spend an average of about two hundred thirty dollars on electronics.消费电子协会说,消费者会用电子约二百三十美元的平均水平。

8.He gave me thirty dollars into the bargain.他另外给我三十元。

9.Acrypc plastic is used to harden the paper. The jewelry costs between five and thirty dollars.这些珠子使用丙烯酸类塑料硬化后,价值5至30美元。

10.Two dollars for the ping-pong balls and thirty dollars for the runners.运动鞋三十元,乒乓球二元。