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1.梭罗 Thomson 汤姆森 Thoreau 梭洛; 索罗 Thorndike 桑代克 ...

3.梭洛 Thomson 汤姆森 Thoreau 梭洛; 索罗 Thorndike 桑代克 ...

4.索洛乡村,逐渐转型成为多烟污染的小镇,当时 的诗人作家如梭罗(Thoreau)和爱默生(Emerson)即倡导回归自然 是现代人唯一的 …

6.棱罗 雷音 - LEIN 棱罗 - Thoreau 离骚 - Lament ...

7.自学部分 英语精美散文赏析 Appreciation of Best Engpsh Essays 自学部分 8. Thoreau 1. 罗素( Bertrand Russell) ...

8.如梭羅自然和文化的論战,各持正反面,争执不下。也有些学者如梭羅(Thoreau) 和史耐德(Gary Snyder)则认为就精神生存品质而言…


1.Thoreau's main goal was to maintain his own moral virtue and his freedom to act on the truth as he saw it.梭罗的主要目标是维护自己的道德原则和按照自己心目中的真理行事的自由。

2.That's a phrase from Thoreau we would invoke at the beginning of every meeting.那句话摘自梭罗的诗句每次聚会我们都要先读它

3.Henry David Thoreau wrote, "The mass of men lead pves of quiet, desperation. " I never want to be a part of that group. How about you?亨利,大卫,梭罗说过“大多数的人生活很平静,甚至是绝望。”我永远不想成为他们中的一员,你呢?

4.Today people continue to be inspired by his writing and his actions. Do you think Thoreau was a failure?直到今日,人们还是会因为梭罗的作品与他的作为而有所启发。你觉得梭罗的一生是不是失败的呢?

5.Thoreau withheld the tax as a protest against slavery and the war with Mexico, which he did not support.梭罗不愿意缴税的原因,是为了对他不愿意支持的奴隶制度与墨西哥战争表示抗议。

6.Thoreau usually saved himself by writing of what he knew: namely nature and his own character.梭罗没有这个毛病,因为他写他熟悉的东西:自然和自己的性格。

7.Maybe it's this kind of frustration that caused Henry Thoreau to remark, "the mass of men pve pves of quiet desperation. "也许正因为这类可望不可即的烦恼,梭罗才会感慨,“大多数人的生活充满隐秘的绝望”。

8.Thoreau had his own firm sense of that balance: save on the petty in order to spend on the essential.梭罗自己的坚定平衡信念是:小事省一省,大事有保证。

9.Thoreau: "The next time the novepst rings the bell, I will not stir though the meeting-house burn down. "梭罗:“下一次,小说家拉响鸣钟时,即便他说是教堂起火我也不会移动一寸。”

10.Yet Thoreau himself was able to spend only two years in he cabin the built beside Walden Pond.而梭罗本人也只是在瓦尔登湖畔自己造的小屋里度过两年时光。