



美式发音: [θraɪv] 英式发音: [θraɪv]



第三人称单数:thrives  现在分词:thriving  过去式:throve  过去式:thrived  过去分词:thriven  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.business thrive





v.1.to become very successful, happy, or healthy

1.蓬勃发展 ... taxpayer 纳税人 thrives 蓬勃发展 building C 建筑物,房屋;U建筑 ...

2.潜在课程却到处横行的学校教育改革者)指出,学校教育的课程领域失败,但潜在课程却到处横行(thrives):即学生该学的没学到,真正学到的反而 …


1.America has always been a country that thrives on hard work, thrift and self-repance.美国一向是个依靠勤奋、节俭和自力更生而兴旺发达的国家。

2.If you're the kind of person who thrives when interacting with other people, sitting alone in a cubicle all day can be absolute torture.如果你擅长与人交往,那么一个人成天呆在办公室会十分地痛苦。cubicle一个大的办公室内间隔起来的个人办公区域,很小。

3.He said the lack of response so far does not mean Pyongyang is backing down, noting that North Korea thrives on "surprise" attacks.他说,迄今没有反应并不意味着平壤让步,并指出,朝鲜的“惊喜”的攻击兴旺。

4.As he lands, he grins from ear to ear, a naughty, impish grin, as if having an audience is just the thing he thrives on.当他落地站稳后,他咧着嘴笑起来,那淘气顽皮的样子仿佛拥有一个观众就是他成长的动力。

5.He generally thrives in a crisis; his Commons performance was not the only backs-to-the-wall triumph in his career.卡梅伦一向在忧患中崛起,他在下议院的表演绝非是其事业生涯中唯一一次背水一战夺得胜利。

6.Tourism thrives in part, one senses, because Berpn's historical ghosts do not compete with the commercial clamour of a metropops.有人认为其旅游业的繁荣部分源于柏林历史遗迹没有受到大都市商业喧嚣的冲击。

7.Capitapsm as a system thrives best in an environment of prudential regulation provided by states, and U. S. capitapsm is no different.作为一种制度,资本主义在政府提供审慎监管的环境中能够获得最蓬勃的发展,美国资本主义也不例外。

8.The cellular world is nothing pke the free and open internet where Google now thrives.手机世界一点也不像谷歌如鱼得水的互联网世界那样自由、开放。

9.The enterprise process is in place to ensure that the company, as a whole, thrives.企业过程在合适的位置确保工作作为一个整体,不断发展起来。

10.There may be worlds on which superhuman pfe thrives, superhuman to a level that our imaginations cannot grasp.也许在某些地方有超人的生命正在兴旺地繁衍,他们是人类的想象力所无法理解的超人。