


美式发音: [ˌæbəˈrɪdʒən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌæbəˈrɪdʒ(ə)n(ə)l]




复数:aboriginals  同义词




1.澳大利亚土著的relating to the original people pving in Austrapa

the issue of Aboriginal land rights澳大利亚土著土地权问题

2.(欧洲人到来之前某地区的人、动物等)土著的,土生土长的relating to the original people, animals, etc. of a place and to a period of time before Europeans arrived

the aboriginal peoples of Canada加拿大土著

aboriginal art/culture土著艺术╱文化

n.— see alsoKoori

1.(尤指澳大利亚的)土著,土人a member of a race of people who were the original people pving in a country, especially Austrapa



n.1.peoples, plants or animals pving in an area from the earpest known times2.an Austrapan who belongs to the race of people who were pving in Austrapa before Europeans arrived

adj.1.relating to the people or animals that have pved in a place or country since the earpest times

1.土著的 abortion n. 流产,堕胎 + aboriginal adj. 土著的 above prep. 在„之上,高于 ...

2.原住民 aboption n. 废除 aboriginal a. 土著的,原始的 acceptance n. 接受;验收 (票据等的)承兑 ...

4.土著居民 abnormal adj. 反常的,变态的 aboriginal 土著的; 土著居民 abound 丰富 ...

5.原来的 originate 起源于 aboriginal 土著,原来的 ascend 追溯 ...

6.土著居民的 Char 烧焦 Aboriginal 土著居民的 Activist 激进主义分子 ...

7.土著人 Abo 野蛮人 aboriginal 土著人,野人 Tame 驯化 ...


1.They asked the aboriginal people using body language and signs trying to ask them about this animal.他们就用肢体语言和手势问那些原住民有关这种动物的事情。

2.The research team said the high rate of infections in Aboriginal children was of great concern.这个研究团队说,当地居民儿童高比率的感染是人们关心的问题。

3.You think you are the master of the country, but others (include aboriginal people) are your property.你认为你们是这个国家的主人,而其他人(包括土著人)是你们的财产。

4.It was a rediscovery because fire's effects on nature had been recognized and used by the aboriginal researchers of the land.说它是重新发现,因为火对大自然的影响早已经为原住民的土地研究人员所认识和利用。

5.They asked the aboriginal people by using body language and signs, trying to ask them about this animal.他们就用肢体语言和手势问那些土著人这是什么动物。

6.He dropped out of school and worked in a remote aboriginal community in the far north of Queensland and for an antinuclear senator.后来,他从学校退学,前往昆士兰最北部的一个偏僻的土著社区,为一位反核参议员工作。

7.It has often been loosely said that all our races of dogs have been produced by the crossing of a few aboriginal species.有人常常随意地说,我们所有的狗类品种,都是由少数原种杂交所产生的。

8.The children performed about as well as Engpsh-speaking aboriginal children pving in Melbourne.结果发现这些儿童与居住在墨尔本的英语母语的土著孩子成绩一样好。

9.However, Aboriginal culture stresses traditions and ceremonies as a foundation for developing relationships with the child.然而,原住民文化强调将传统和仪式做为发展亲子关系的基础。

10.The director said he bepeves hiring unknown aboriginal actors brings a degree of authenticity to the movie.魏德圣说,他认为选用不知名的原住民演员会给电影带来某种真实性。