


美式发音: ['θʌmpə] 英式发音: ['θʌmpə]






3.锤击器 thump 重击 Thumper 锤击器 thunder 雷 ...

4.山普 ... 塔克(玉米卷) Taco 山普(庞然大物) Thumper 特洛伊 Trojan ...

5.强打 ... thump 重击 thumper 强打 thumping 巨大的 ...

6.重击者 ... Stormer 猛攻者 Thumper 重击者 HEAP_Gauss_Cannon 高爆高斯加农炮 ...

7.捶击者... 没多久因癌症造成的 …


1.Tiny four-old-month Thumper had the tops of his ears hacked off in the cruel attack when yobs snatched him from his hutch.某个游手好闲的坏蛋把四个月大的小兔子Thumper从笼子里抓出来残忍的把他的耳朵切下来一半。

2.As these heart-breaking pictures show, Thumper was left with bloodied stumps and a cigarette mark branded into the fur on his forehead.像图片里看到的,Thumper只剩下一半血迹斑斑的耳朵,他的前额还有香烟烫过的痕迹。

3.They are designed to pick up the echo of the seismic vibrations created by contraptions called "thumper trucks" pounding the ground.一个名叫“桑普卡车”的小装置会敲击地面,引起的细微地面震动又再传输到无线传感器上。

4.Billy Bible-Thumper: He's an obnoxious and overzealous crusader.比利圣经瑟珀:他是一个狂热的十字军士兵,让人反感。

5.Hello. Thumper is in love. Now Bambi''''s alone.你好。桑普在恋爱。现在斑比独自一人了。

6.Bambi is in love. Thumper is in love. Flower is in love.斑比在恋爱。桑普在恋爱。花尾在恋爱。

7.Here are Bambi, Thumper and Flower. They''''re taking a walk.这是斑比、桑普和花尾。他们在散步。

8.Now Thumper stops. He sees a pretty rabbit. What a pretty face! What pretty eyes!现在桑普停下来,他看到了一只美丽的兔子。多么漂亮的一张脸呀!多么漂亮的眼睛!

9.Hi, Bambi. Come on. Look at Bambi and Thumper. They're playing on the ice.嗨,斑比。快来。看看斑比和桑普。他们正在冰上玩。

10.Are they a right wing bible thumper or a left wing tree hugger?他们是右翼圣经瑟珀或左翼树杂乱?