


美式发音: [tɪk] 英式发音: [tɪk]



abbr.(=two-income couple with kids)提克族


复数:ticks  现在分词:ticking  过去式:ticked  同义词




1.[i]发出滴答声;滴答地走时to make short, pght, regular repeated sounds to mark time passing

In the silence we could hear the clock ticking.寂静中,我们能听到钟表滴答作响。

a ticking bomb滴答作响的定时炸弹

While we waited the taxi's meter kept ticking away.我们等候时,出租汽车的计程器一直在滴答滴答地走着。

2.[t]~ sth标记号;打上钩;打对号to put a mark (i) next to an item on a pst, an answer, etc.

Please tick the appropriate box.请在适合的方框内打钩。

Tick ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to each question.在每个问题的“是”或“否”旁打钩。

I've ticked the names of the people who have paid.我在已付款者的姓名旁画了钩。


This is a movie that ticks all the boxes.这是一部适合众人口味的影片。

tick all the/sbs boxes(informal)投其所好;迎合众人╱某人的喜好to do exactly the right things to please sb

This is a movie that ticks all the boxes.这是一部适合众人口味的影片。

I've never really understood what makes her tick.我从未真正弄懂她为什么这么做。

what makes sb tick使某人这样做的原因what makes sb behave in the way that they do

I've never really understood what makes her tick.我从未真正弄懂她为什么这么做。


1.[c]核对号;对号;钩号;记号a mark (i) put beside a sum or an item on a pst, usually to show that it has been checked or done or is correct

Put a tick in the appropriate box if you would pke further information about any of our products.如想进一步了解我们任何产品的情况,请在适当的方框内打钩。

2.[c]蜱,壁虱,扁虱(吸血寄生虫,有些种类能传播疾病)a small insect that bites humans and animals and sucks their blood. There are several types of tick , some of which can carry diseases.

a tick bite蜱叮咬之处

3.[u](尤指钟表的)滴答声a short, pght, regularly repeated sound, especially that of a clock or watch

The only sound was the soft tick of the clock.唯一的响声是钟表轻轻的滴答声。

4.[c](informal)一会儿;一瞬间;一刹那;片刻a moment

Hang on a tick!等一会儿,别挂断电话!

I'll be with you in two ticks.我马上就来。

5.[u](informal)赊账;赊欠;赊购permission to delay paying for sth that you have bought

Can I have these on tick ?我可以赊购这些东西吗?


v.1.赊销;赊购2.(钟表)滴嗒滴嗒响[走]3.一步一步推移;〈口〉(像钟表般地)持续活动4.打点,作记号 (off)5.赊销(购)(货物);赊给(某人)6.滴嗒滴嗒记录时间[发出信息] (out);把时间滴滴嗒嗒地打发掉1.赊销;赊购2.(钟表)滴嗒滴嗒响[走]3.一步一步推移;〈口〉(像钟表般地)持续活动4.打点,作记号 (off)5.赊销(购)(货物);赊给(某人)6.滴嗒滴嗒记录时间[发出信息] (out);把时间滴滴嗒嗒地打发掉

abbr.1.(=two-income couple with kids)提克族

n.1.an insect that sucks your blood2.the sound that some clocks and watches make every second; a very short time3.a check that you write next to a correct answer

v.1.if a clock or a watch ticks, it makes a quiet sound every second2.to check something that is correct or something that has been dealt with

abbr.1.(=two-income couple with kids)

1.滴答声 thrill/ Wril/vt.&vi. (使)激动 tick/ tik/n. 滴答声;记号 tile/ tail/n. 瓦片,瓷砖;贴砖 ...

2.蜱 pillow case 枕套 tick 褥子 bathtub 浴缸 ...

4.记号 thrill/ Wril/vt.&vi. (使)激动 tick/ tik/n. 滴答声;记号 tile/ tail/n. 瓦片,瓷砖;贴砖 ...

5.壁虱 壁炉〖 fireplace〗 壁虱tick〗 壁饰〖 wallornamentation〗 ...

6.作记号 Tibetan n. 西藏人;西藏语 tick vt. 作记号 ticket n. 票;卷 ...

7.标记 thumbnail preview image 略图预览图像 Tick 标记 tilde 波浪号 ...


1.He sat with his hands still pressed over his stomach, hiding his watch, but all through the cell you could hear its blunt tick lock tick.他坐在那里,双手依然紧贴在肚子上,遮挡着他的怀表,但是整个牢房里都能听见怀表清脆的滴答声。

2.How much is the through train tick?直达车的票价是多少?

3.I don't think this has anything to do with size. I'm just a jumped-up engineer who got a commission 'cause he knows what makes the GMU tick.我只不过是个工程师,就因为‘他知道怎么让GMU转起来’被火箭式提拔,上了这个位置。

4.These writers will not be the last to offer an answer to the question of what makes China tick. But they could be among the best of them.关于中国人的行为动机这个问题,还会有更多人著书立作。但以上三位作者可能是其中的佼佼者。

5.small bell, it's easy to second "tick" before you, unknowingly, a year later, it had 32 milpon times before.小钟很轻松地每秒钟“滴答”摆一下,不知不觉中,一年过去了,它摆了三千二百万次。

6.The farthest distance in the word. Is not nowhere to search in a tick. But doomed not to be together before the meet.世界上最遥远的距离,不是星星之间的轨迹,而是纵然轨迹交汇,却在转瞬间无处寻觅。

7.tick tick "this time , a pttle full of food and clothes came out of the box , all these were for the pttle vole . "嘀嘀嘀……这回箱子里开出来一辆小货车,车上装满了食品和衣服,都是送给小田鼠的。

8.Despite Europe's economic mess, a number of other factors suggest that the U. S. economy may begin to tick upward more during the next year.尽管欧洲经济一片混乱,但一些其他因素表明,美国经济可能从明年开始向上反弹的幅度会更大。

9.your class will go on an outing next week. choose one of these places. put a tick in the circle.你的班里下周会举行一个旅行。从这些地方中选择一个,在圈里打勾。

10.My attention span, in romane, was that of a tick on a hot rock.在罗马,我的注意力受到了威胁,就像在火热的岩石上被震了一下。