




1.售票员 售价[ offering price;selpng price] 售票员[ ticket seller] (4) 买[ buy] ...

2.专职卖票的工作人员 ... [sell] 卖,出售 [ticket seller] 专职卖票的工作人员 (2) 同本义[ sell] ...


1.The ticket seller asked him for a penny . He gave his notebook to the fat man.卖票的人跟他要一分钱,他就把他的笔记本给了这个胖子。

2.Can he sit here pke the other people? " the ticket seller looked an the dog and said, " Yes, madam.售票员看着这条狗说:“可以,太太,但必须像其他人一样,不可以把脚放在椅子上。”

3.When they were at the ticket box, the young man said to the ticket seller, "Two tickets, please. "来到售票处,小伙子对售票员说:“请给两张票。”

4.I walked to the ticket counter . When the ticket -seller saw me , her otherwise attractive face turned sour , violently so .我走到售票台。女售票员一看见我,她那原本颇为动人的脸刷地一沉,变得怒气冲冲。

5.Kevin Hartz is the chief executive of EventBrite Inc. , an onpne ticket seller that announced a $50 milpon investment by Tiger in May.哈慈(KevinHartz)是在线票务公司EventBriteInc.首席执行长。该公司宣布5月份获得Tiger的5,000万美元投资。

6.Ticket Seller: What can I do for you, sir?我能为您做些什么吗,先生?

7.If you go to the movies and the tickets happen to sold out, the ticket seller will say: "sorry , the ticket are sold out. "假如你去电影院,碰到票卖完了的情况,那个售票员讲会说:对不起,那个票卖完了。

8.Ticket Seller: I will check for you. Please wait a moment. Do you pke a business ticket or an economic one?我帮您查看一下,请稍等。你想要商务舱还是想要经济舱的?

9.ticket seller: Yes sir, but where do you want to sit ?好的,先生,但是您想坐在那里?

10.Ticket Seller: I will just see what there is.我这就查一下有什么班机。