


美式发音: [ˈtaɪdɪŋz] 英式发音: ['taɪdɪŋz]








I am the bearer of good tidings .我带来了好消息。

He brought glad tidings .他带来了喜讯。


n.1.an old word meaningnews

1.消息 tide 潮汐 tidings 消息 tidy 整洁的 ...

2.音信 tiddlywinks 弹塑料片游戏 tidings 音信 tigress 母虎 ...

3.音讯 steelworks 钢铁厂 tidings 音讯 whereabouts 下落 ...

4.好消息 消息;音信 tidings 好[坏]消息 tidings n.消息,音信 tidings ...

5.消息音信 ... deplore# 悲痛;深悔 tidings# 消息音信 astonished# 惊讶的 ...

6.信息 tide v. 清除 清扫 tidings 信息 消息 intelpgence 情报 信息 ...

7.放牛娃 ... wukuan( 从地狱到天堂) tidings( 放牛娃) TaiNan( 台南) ...


1.We were all representatives of a shadow society, cowering under a cloud of bad tidings that would never come.我们只是影子社会的芸芸众生,畏缩在永未实现的不测风云背后。

2.Now I still do not know my dad died or not dead, uncertain of one's pfe, tidings none.现在我还不知道我爸死了还是没死,生死未卜,音信全无。

3.Then said Ahimaaz the son of Zadok, Let me now run, and bear the king tidings , how that the LORD hath avenged him of his enemies.撒督的儿子亚希玛斯说,容我跑去,将耶和华向仇敌给王报仇的信息报与王知。

4."At Volantis, you will have fresh tidings of Daenerys, we must hope, " he said, as he sucked one from its shell.“在沃兰提斯,希望你会得到关于丹妮莉丝的新消息,”他边说边从壳里抠出了一只蜗牛肉。

5.The tidings of my high fortunes having had a heavy fall , had got down to my native place before I got there .我还没回到故乡,故乡就传遍了我乐极生悲,从高枝上一落千丈的消息。

6.Find thou the means, and I'll find such a man. But now I'll tell thee joyful tidings , girl.你去想办法,我一定可以找到这样一个人。可是,孩子,现在我要告诉你好消息。

7.The word preach means "to bring, or declare, good, or glad, tidings" and "to proclaim, " "to be a herald" (Vine's).“讲道”一词意为“带来或传扬美好或快乐的消息”及“宣告”“作传令者”。

8.The world could do with some glad tidings at the moment, to cope with a global economic crisis and turmoil in the Middle East.世界现在需要听到一些好消息,才能打起精神面对全球金融危机和中东的动荡。

9.While they were in the way, that tidings came to David, saying, Absalom hath slain all the king's sons, and there is not one of them left.他们还在路上,有风声传到大卫那里,说,押沙龙将王的众子都杀了,没有留下一个。

10.I was the first to tell Zion, 'Look, here they are! ' I gave to Jerusalem a messenger of good tidings .我首先对锡安说,看哪,我要将一位报好信息的赐给耶路撒冷。