




1.蒂莉在三十年战争期间,当时的市议员们拒绝天主教盟军统帅提利伯爵(Tilly)的招降,勇气虽然可佳,但小小螳螂怎能当车,不到 …


1.When he came into their room, occupied territory so recently reclaimed from Karen and Tilly, Henry felt as if another enemy had encamped.他们的卧室是刚刚从卡伦和蒂莉手上夺回来的阵地,亨利进来的时候,觉得这里又被另一个敌人占领了。

2.Tilly sat in Colleen's mother's lap, still eating cake, and Karen ran around the dogwood, chased by one of her cousins.蒂莉坐在科琳妈妈的怀里,还在吃蛋糕,卡伦被一个表妹追得绕着山茱萸跑。

3."Tilly never came back, " she said softly, looking right at me.“蒂莉不会再回来了,”她声音低缓地说,目光正对着我。

4.One day Billy Frog and Tilly Frog were playing in the garden when suddenly their ball fell into the dry well.一天青蛙贝力和青蛙逖力在花园里玩儿,忽然他们的球掉进了枯井。

5.I followed Tilly to san Souci and stood on a rock to watch her because I did not know what else to do.我跟着她来到圣苏西海边,站在礁石上看着她,因为我不知道我还能做什么。

6."Tilly's going to have an upset stomach, " Colleen said. "Mom's giving her another piece of cake. "“蒂莉肯定会闹肚子的,”科琳说:“我妈又给她吃了一块蛋糕。”

7.She doted on Karen, and then, 20 months later, on Tilly as well, bringing clothes, toys, and stuffed animals for the girls.她溺爱卡伦,一年零八个月之后,她也一样地溺爱蒂莉,不时地给孩子们带来衣服、玩具、动物公仔。

8.She bought some cheese. Tilly broke the door and ran away.她买了一些奶酪.Tilly破门而逃。

9.A children's newspaper in France named British girl Tilly Smith as Child of the Year.法国一家儿童报纸称英国女孩蒂莉·史密斯为“年度儿童”。

10.Then one Easter Sunday, when no one goes swimming ever, Tilly decided she would go.在复活节的星期天,没有人去游泳,而蒂莉却决定去海边。