




1.伊索德 京条琼 Jokyojo 伊索罗蒂 Isolde 飞鸟 Asuka ...


6.质量分离器、混合词之下,说的是特里斯坦 (Tristan)和伊索尔达Isolde)的故事,特里斯坦的现代版本是“一个潇洒的六英尺高的 英 …

8.伊苏罗蒂虽然不能与少女说话,透过窗子与这名名叫伊苏罗蒂(Isolde)的少女碰面,Nameless有生以来第一次感觉到心中萌生了希望。除 …


1.Due to his allegiance to King Marke, he escorted Isolde back to Cornwall to be betrothed to King Marke.出于对马克王的忠诚,他护送伊索尔德回康瓦耳郡与马克王成亲。

2.I put my hand into the bloody gap at the bottom of my ribs. Her name drips through my fingers: Isolde.我用手捂着肋骨底部那淌血的伤口。她的名字从我指间滴落:伊索尔德。

3.While yet aware of the impropriety of it, Isolde and Tristan fail to harness the mounting escalating magical power of love.虽然知道十分不应该,伊索尔德与特里斯坦却无力按抑抗拒益发澎湃的爱情魔力。

4.Schoenberg's 'Remembrance' is doing the same thing as 'Tristan and Isolde' but it's doing it from the other side of a psychological ocean.勋伯格在他的《回忆》中所作的是与《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》中同样的事情,只不过它来自于心灵之海的彼岸。

5.Tristan and Isolde 's passion could well be the fruit of substance abuse, of a love potion they drank unknowingly.特里斯坦和伊索尔德的激情很可能是滥用上瘾药物的结果,或者是他们无意间喝下的春药造成的。

6.A resonant love story, The Element Of Water follows Isolde, a young teacher who chances upon her father's Nazi past.《水之元素》是一个荡气回肠的爱情故事,讲述了年轻女教师伊索尔特偶然发现她父亲的纳粹史的故事。

7.ISOLDE: Know that I love you Tristan. And wherever you go, whatever you see, I will always be with you.伊索德:崔斯坦,我知道我爱你,无论你去哪里,无论你会见到什么?我将永远与你相守。

8.Or song or dance or play, staged a follows isolde "earth tragicomedy" , telpng the theme of love and tolerance.或歌或舞或嬉戏,上演了一出荡气回肠的“人间悲喜剧”,诉说着爱与宽容的主题。

9.After Tristan's death, Isolde planted two willow trees beside his grave and they grow intertwined. Afterwards, Isolde disappears forever.特里斯坦死后,伊索尔德于他墓地旁栽植两株垂柳,它们的细枝子彼此绕缠,之后伊索尔德不知去向。

10.The first one I bathed was a girl, who we named Isolde.我沐浴着第一个是一个女孩,我们命名伊索尔德。