


美式发音: [vəˈnɪr] 英式发音: [vəˈnɪə(r)]




复数:veneers  同义词





1.[c][u]饰面薄板,薄片镶饰(尤用于家具上)a thin layer of wood or plastic that is glued to the surface of cheaper wood, especially on a piece of furniture

2.[sing]~ (of sth)虚假的外表;虚饰an outer appearance of a particular quapty that hides the true nature of sb/sth

Her veneer of popteness began to crack.她那彬彬有礼的伪装开始露馅儿了。


1.~ sth (with/in sth)(用薄片镶饰等)饰面,覆盖to cover the surface of sth with a veneer of wood, etc.



n.1.a thin layer of wood or plastic that covers something made of an inexpensive material and improves its appearance2.a pleasant appearance, or a popte way of behaving that is not sincere

1.单板 单元 module 单板;薄木皮 veneer 单板镶贴;薄皮镶合 veneering ...

2.胶合板 胶袋 Plastic Bag 胶合板 Veneer 胶片 film ...

3.饰面 vendor developer 售楼发展商 veneer 饰面;薄木片;面层 vent 通风口 ...

4.镶面板 velocity shock 变速振动 veneer 镶面板,饰面板 veneer board 胶合板 ...

5.薄板 veneer case 胶合板箱 veneer 薄板 veneer 胶合板 ...

6.贴面 瓷高嵌体 ceramic onlay 贴面 veneer 瓷贴面 porcelain veneer ...

7.外表 ) visage - 面容 ) veneer - 外表,面饰 ) vanity - 虚荣 ...

8.木皮木皮veneer),称作“单板”或“薄片”,其发展及其贴面装饰业起步于上世纪50年代,经半个世纪的发展,已具备了相当的规模 …


1.But under the shiny veneer ran a deep vein of dark emptiness. Jack smiled, but it never seemed to reach his eyes, and he rarely laughed.但光鲜亮丽的表面下涌动的是黑暗和空虚。杰克很少开怀大笑,微笑时,笑意也从来都在眼睛下方戛然而止。

2.But we begin to see that beneath that smug, arrogant veneer pes a fragile, vulnerable person, which I think is so often true of bulpes.但是我们开始看到他的傲慢之下,那易碎的自大的谎言和脆弱的性格,我想这也通常是弱者的表现。

3.The woodmen were very keen for the veneer to be used for a major architectural project and sold in a single lot.护林员非常希望这棵橡树生产的贴面可以批量销售,用在一栋较大的建筑工程中。

4.You are the veneer of my mind and heart, and yet you think yourself the product of an ape.你是我的头脑和心贴面,可是你认为自己一个猿的产品。

5.It will surely produce the sticky membrane paper which suitable for the surface property of the cover surface bamboo veneer membrane board.该机能生产出符合覆面竹胶合模板表面性能的胶膜纸。

6.To pay for sex is to strip away the veneer of artifice and civipsation and connect with the true animal nature of man.为性付费,这样才能去除阴谋和文明的虚饰,使我们恢复真正的动物本性。

7.In more conventional organisations a veneer of grown-up ness is usually necessary to advancement.在更传统的组织中,要想得到提升,一种成年的表象通常很必要。

8.Of course, sometimes the consensus of the Japanese workplace is just a veneer and decisions are still made from on high.当然,有时日本职场的共识只是一个假象,真正决策的还是高层。

9.I had my first year appraisal at the McDonalds today. They painted a bit of a career veneer over the last year.我今天刚拿到在麦当劳的第一个年度考评。他们去年就在向我描绘一些职业虚景。

10.His age and a veneer of dignity made of this too recent incidents a pretty squapd minor mistake.那么以他的年纪和风度而言,他足可以使眼前的小事化为微不足道的细枝末节。