




1.时间点 MUSCLE POINT( 攻击分数) TIME POINT( 时间分数) TOTAL POINT( 总分) ...

4.时点上 ... ) ignition time 点火时间 ) time point 时间位点 ...

6.时刻受益者(benefactive)三个,把状态元分为时刻time point)、时段(time period)、时间起点(start of time)、时间终点…


1.RESULTS There was no significant difference in hemodynamic and HCT at every time point between the two groups.结果各时点血流动力学、血红蛋白、红细胞压积两组病人无明显差异。

2.But, soon to pick up the kids time point only to be told that the tickets are sold out, back in the day.可,快到接孩子时间点却被告知,当天回来的车票已售完。

3.While levels of CMV-specific immunity varied between LTR, measurements at any one time point did not predict episodes of CMV reactivation.而CMV特异性免疫水平在LTR患者中有明显的变异,任何一个时间点检测其活性均不能对CMV的复发有预测性作用。

4.Results from more than one time point for each trial cannot be combined in a standard meta-analysis without a unit of analysis error.在一个没有分析误差单位的标准meta-分析中,每个试验中多个时点的结果将不能组合在一起。

5.Things may be happening at an early time point (in infection), but we may be able to step in and stop that reaction.“关键可能就在早期感染后的某个时间点上,并且我们要能找到那个点来停止反应”。

6.Buyers to the pmit, no one can guarantee agencies in a time point, the purchase of property can transfer.买家交了房款,没有一家机构可以保证在某一个时间点,购买的物业就能够过户。

7.The space-time region surrounding a given space-time point can be separated into three regions, in two regions we have time-pke intervals.在给定空时点周围的空时区可以分成三个区域,在两个区域间具有类时间隔。

8.Code to handle the case of retrieving data for a single time point would be similar.处理检索单个时间点数据的代码应该是类似的。

9.Results: It was revealed that, in control and treatment groups, radiographic and mechanical measures increased as the time point increased.结果:研究发现在对照和治疗组中,胫骨放射学和物理力学评估值随着术后时间的推移而逐步提高。

10.No urinary albumin or other proteins were detected at any time point, and no changes in glomerular morphology were noticed.在任何一个时间点都没有检测到尿白蛋白或其它蛋白,肾小球形态也没有改变。