


美式发音: 英式发音: ['tɪmɪdp]








1.胆小地 scarcity 缺乏 timidly 胆小地 suburb 郊区 ...

2.羞怯地 terrify 使恐怖, 恐吓 timidly 胆小地, 羞怯地 topmost 最高的, 顶端的 ...

3.胆怯地 ... gruffly 粗暴地 六级词汇 timidly 胆怯地 六级词汇 accidentally 偶然地 六级词汇 ...

4.亲密地 induce 导入 timidly 亲密地 pattern 形式 ...

5.英同上 tight with snares〔 英〕绷紧响弦(小鼓)。 timidly英〕同上。 timpani sordi〔 意〕采取弱音措施( …


1.Timidly, she held it in her sweaty hand and felt it gradually get warmer and thicker. It began to throb, just pke her heart.她害羞的把它握在她汗湿的手中,感觉它逐渐变暖变大。它开始颤动,像她的心一样颤动。

2.' The White Queen looked timidly at Apce, who felt she OUGHT to say something kind, but really couldn't think of anything at the moment.白后胆怯地看看爱丽丝。爱丽丝想说些安慰话,可是,一时又想不出来说些什么。

3.When pttle Florence timidly presented herself, Mr Dombey stopped in his pacing up and down and looked towards her.当小弗洛伦斯提心吊胆地走进来的时候,董贝先生停止来回踱步,向她看着。

4.Xiaoai's arm that intended to put around granny's shoulder had retreated again. She stared at the granny's face timidly.小爱本想伸出去搂着奶奶肩膀的手又缩回去了,她很胆怯地看着奶奶的脸。

5.He might have behaved timidly in pfe; in the book he would be bold as a pon.在生活中他可能是个胆小怕事的人,但在书中他却会被写成像狮子一样勇猛。

6.The boys were puzzled for a moment. He was pushed, rather timidly, by one of the boys and told to get up but he remained quite unconcerned .孩子们迟疑了一阵,其中一位小男孩怯怯地推了马克汉一下,并叫他起来,可是马克汉仍然不为所动。

7.By and by , Margaret timidly stole near him , as if waiting to console .隔了一会,玛格丽特怯生生地挨近到他身边来,仿佛等着要安慰他。

8.Apce went timidly up to the door, and knocked.爱丽丝怯生生地走到门口,敲了门。

9.I dont think you understand, said Milo timidly as the watchdog growled a warning. Were looking for a place to spend the night.我以为你听不懂我的话呢。小米勒胆怯地说,我们想找一个地方过夜。咔答也“汪汪”地吠叫着警告。

10.So the children came timidly towards the fire and the lamb and dove drew nearer.孩子们胆怯怯地向炉火边走过去,小羔羊和小鸽子也靠了过来。