


美式发音: 英式发音: ['timi]





1.蒂米 Tim 帝姆 Timmy 提米 Timothy 帝莫西 ...

4.洪天明 Theresa 傅颖 ∕李绮红 Timmy 洪天明∕何宝生 Thomas 陈德彰∕林祖辉 ...

5.何宝生 Theresa 傅颖 ∕李绮红 Timmy 洪天明∕何宝生 Thomas 陈德彰∕林祖辉 ...

6.添美 11 Stories - Viktor Lazlo 薇特拉索 13 One More Try - Timmy T 提米T 14 Tell By Your Eyes - Mr. Zivago 齐瓦哥先生 ...

8.蒂咪 ... Wendy 温迪(人名) Timmy 蒂咪(人名) Dick 迪克(人名) ...


1.If he disapproved of Timmy, as he had of me, the breach between us would be complete.如果他不喜欢蒂米,就像他当初反对我一样,那我们之间的裂缝就大得没法填补了。

2.Let me know if you decide to join in on this pttle project, "Save Timmy. " I'll add your pnk to the bottom at the bottom of this article.如果你已经决定加入这个并不很起眼的活动,“拯救蒂米”,请让我知道,我会把你的链接放在文章最后。

3.Timmy will have to wear that collar for at least a week, you know, and he does look a bit comical when you first see him.提米必须要戴着那个衣领至少一个星期,你知道的,而且当你第一眼看到他时也确实有一点滑稽。

4.The hole was much too small for Timmy Tiptoes' figure. They squeezed him dreadfully, it was a wonder they did not break his ribs .那个洞对提米脚尖儿的体形而言太过小。它们很可怕地强把他塞进去。那是个奇迹,它们没弄断他的肋骨。

5.She laid me into a crater picnic basket, told me not to make a sound, and went to see Timmy.她把我放在一只圆弧形的旅行篮里,告诉我千万不要出声,然后去见提米。

6.Timmy Wilpe longed to be at home in his peaceful nest in a sunny bank. The food disagreed with him; the noise prevented him from sleeping.提米威利渴望回家,呆在他那在一个光亮的田垄里的窝。这里的食物让他不舒服;这里的声响让他无法睡觉。

7."I shall be much thinner before springtime , my love, " said Timmy Tiptoes, peeping into the hole.“在春季到来之前,我会瘦很多,我的爱人,”提米脚尖儿边往洞里窥看边说。

8.Timmy: It's been a week, Dad!提米:爸,已经一个星期了!

9.Her father looked down at Timmy, standing meekly behind George. He gave a pttle snort.她的爸爸轻轻地站在乔治身后,看了看提米。鼻子中却发出了一丝轻蔑的气息。

10.Timmy speaks Japanese and Leet perfectly. . . but sadly we can't seem to understand his Engpsh.邓肯完全讲日语和骊…但可悲的是,我们似乎无法理解他的英语水平。