


美式发音: [ˈtɪŋk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['tɪŋk(ə)l]




第三人称单数:tinkles  现在分词:tinkpng  过去式:tinkled  同义词


n.call,buzz,bell,phone,phone call



1.丁零声;当啷响a pght high ringing sound

the tinkle of glass breaking玻璃破碎发出的当啷声

2.(informal)电话通话a telephone call

3.(informal)撒尿;小便an act of urinating

to have a tinkle撒尿


1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)发出叮当声,丁零响to make a series of pght high ringing sounds; to make sth produce this sound

A bell tinkled as the door opened.房门一开,铃声丁零响了。

tinkpng laughter银铃般的笑声



n.1.a high ringing sound2.an act of urinating. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children.

v.1.to make a high ringing sound, or to make something ring with a high sound2.to urinate. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children.

1.叮当声 tinker 修补匠 tinkle 叮当声 tint 色彩 ...

2.丁冬 ... ◎ 丁点儿[ a tiny bit] ◎ 丁冬[ tinkle] ◎ 丁对[ just right] ...

3.叮当作响 ... tin 2.罐头 tinkle 叮当作响 tiny 极小的,微小的 ...

4.月夜茶会 SKIP BEAT [华丽的挑战] Tinkle [月夜茶会,白夜茶会] Pandora Hearts [潘朵拉之心 ...

5.一连串的丁零声,电话声 ... 4网址被屏蔽ic stereotype 可笑/滑稽的模式 6.tinkle n. 一连串的丁零声,电话声,v.使发出丁零声 8.lop-sided 不均匀的 ...

6.使发出丁零声 ... 4网址被屏蔽ic stereotype 可笑/滑稽的模式 6.tinkle n. 一连串的丁零声,电话声,v.使发出丁零声 8.lop-sided 不均匀的 ...

7.叮当做响 ... tin n. 锡,罐头 tinkle vi. 叮当做响; tiny a. 极小的,微小的 ...

8.叮当响 at times 有时 tinkle n. 叮当响 tough adj. 强硬的,粗暴的 ...


1.Bering remembers waking to the tinkle of these bells, a small but distinct sound in an otherwise silent house.白令记得自己是被这些叮当声唤醒的。在一间寂静的屋子里,风铃的声音柔和而清晰。

2.A sense of humor may take various forms and laughter may be anything from a refined tinkle to an earth quaking roar .幽默感表现的方式多种多样,笑也许是银铃般优雅轻笑,也许是震耳欲聋的放声大笑。

3.As Archer rang the bell , the long tinkle seemed to echo through a mausoleum .当阿切尔拉门铃时,那久久的铃声好似陵墓里的回声。

4.So it would ever be, he saw, simultaneously with the slow archaic tinkle from the phone box as he rang off.从他挂上话筒,电话机发出缓慢而古老的丁零一声时,他就明白了。

5.He is accompanied by a chorus of birdsong and the tinkle of wind chimes from his office.鸟儿的合唱和他办公室的风铃声陪伴着他。

6.After their cry silence again falls under the burning sun: in the vendor's jug the ice moves and I can hear its tinkle.叫嚷之后,静寂再次降临到烈日之下:街头小贩的罐中冰块晃动着,我可以听到它们叮当作响。

7.And her voice is now the fishing song and the tinkle of mountain springs. . .她的声音,成了江中的渔歌和山间轻柔的流水声……。

8.Stanford's Lindy La Rocque jumps onto Joslyn Tinkle as they celebrate beating Oklahoma in their Final Four semifinal April 4 in San Antonio.斯坦福大学的林迪拉罗克跳跃,因为他们在庆祝击败俄克拉荷马到乔斯林廷克尔四强半决赛4月4日在圣安东尼奥的。

9.When the white doves flew past, they struck the bells with their wings and made them tinkle.每当白鸽飞过,翅膀掠过铃铛,便叮铃作响。

10.Come morning, the mist condenses into drops on the edges of twig and leaf, which tinkle to the earth.到了清晨,雾气凝结成水滴附着在嫩枝和树叶边,随着枝叶叮铃铃的落到地上,水也投入大地的怀抱。