




1.回头见 你定地点吧。 You decide where. 回头见See you then. 还没准备好呢。 I'm not ready. ...

2.到时见 ... 13. play the guitar/ piano 弹吉他/钢琴 14. see you then 到时见 Yes,I’d love to. 我很愿意。 ...

3.到时候见 thanks 谢谢。 see you then 到时候见。 i will have a class 我要上课了。 ...

4.到时再见 sierra 连绵起伏不断的山 see you then 到时再见 sexy girl 性感女孩 ...

5.好,那时见 All right. See you then. 好,那时见。 Not at all. Go ahead. 一点儿也不介意,打开吧 …

6.非常感谢你的帮助,再见 See you anon. 明天见 See you then 一会儿见 See you later 提问者对回答的评价: ...

8.待会儿见 ... See you then. 待会儿见。 Are you free this evening? 你今天晚上有空吗? ...


1.I'll do what you told me to . See you then .我将按您的吩咐办。再见。

2.Jacky: Ok. . . , I got to go. See you then.喔,我知道了,或许我们可以找你有空的时候去。

3.do not know when I'll see you then let uncle Shaohui to talk to you this letter and my MSN to talk to you also leave you free add me!也不知道什么时候才能见到你呢让大伯把这封信捎回去跟你说说话还有我的MSN也留给你你有空加我吧!

4.Next January, I would pke to go Beijing to see you. . . Then can you come to Beijing ?明年一月,我会去北京看你,你能来北京吗?。

5.Let me see. That's no problem. I'll see you then.让我看看。没有问题,我们到时候见。

6.The next article in this series will explore how to configure Hadoop in a multi-node cluster with additional examples. See you then!本系列中的下一篇文章通过更多示例讨论如何在多节点集群中配置Hadoop。

7.Did not see you, then my heart on the pain.没有看见你,我的心就那么的痛。

8.We do hope you come and are expecting to see you then.请您务必参加,希望届时能见到您。

9.Next week we are going to talk about our nifty new message system. See you then!下星期,我们会谈谈我们那口耐的新信息系统。下次再见!

10.We'd be depghted to. See you then.我们非常乐意来。那到时再见了!