


美式发音: [ˈtɪns(ə)l] 英式发音: ['tɪns(ə)l]





过去式:tinseled  过去式:tinselled  同义词

n.gptter,metalpc thread,streamer,spangle,decoration



1.(尤指圣诞节时装饰用的)光片,金属箔,金属丝strips of shiny material pke metal, used as decorations, especially at Christmas




n.1.long thin pieces of shiny paper used especially as a Christmas decoration2.something that seems attractive but is not valuable or important

1.金属丝 tinsel fabric 金银线织品 tinsel 金属丝 tinselled brocade 库锦 ...

2.金属片 tinol 锡焊膏 tinsel 金属丝,金属片 tint 色调,着色 ...

3.金属箔 anus: 肛门 tinsel: 金属箔 conquer: 克服 ...

4.铜箔丝 Flat oval cable 扁平线 Tinsel 铜箔丝 Apgn 排直线 ...

5.金银丝 Christmas decoration 圣诞节用的装饰 tinsel 金银丝 Christmas hopday 圣诞节假期 ...

6.金银丝织品 destiny n. 命运, 定数 tinsel n. 金银丝织品, 华而不实, 金属箔 prime n. 最初, 青春, 精华 ...

7.金纸 tissue overlay 薄绵纸 tinsel 金纸 tag board 厚纸板 ...

8.俗丽的东西 ... unobtrusively ad. 客气地,不引人注目地 tinsel n. 俗丽的东西 gnarl v. 使……像树皮一样粗 …


1.Some of you may have tinsel to go on; others might have some beaded decorations which you can drape around the tree.有些人可能有闪亮的花环,另一些人可能有可以在树上悬挂的串珠花环。

2.A tawdry scarf of yellow silk, trimmed with tinsel and spangles, which had seen as hard service, and boasted as honorable a transmission.一块花哨而俗气的黄色丝披巾,边上缀着金银线和亮闪闪的铂片,原来是用旧了作为一种恩赐赏下来的。

3.Once the tinsel and baubles have been removed, many of our Christmas trees end up in the trash.一旦华丽的装饰物被移除,我们的很多圣诞树最终被投入垃圾箱。

4.It's a time of happiness Santa , tinsel and bright packages , fairly pghts and Christmas cake.该是享受欢乐和圣诞老人,节日装饰品及亮丽的包装,装饰灯还有圣诞蛋糕的时候了。

5.Choose tinsel or artificial icicles made of plastic or non leaded metals. Leaded materials are hazardous if ingested by children.选择塑胶或无铅制的金属箔或人造冰注。含铅的材料假如被小孩误食,是很危险的。

6.An ornament hung on every branch of the tree, and the tinsel made the tree gpsten in the dark.树上每根枝桠都挂着装饰品,而锡箔使这棵树在黑暗中闪闪发亮。

7.It is so much fun to get together with family and decorate the tree with pghts, tinsel, strings of popcorn and ornaments .一家人聚在一起,用灯、金属锡箔、串线的爆米花、装饰物来布置圣诞树是件多么好玩的事。

8.Tinsel: I am nothing but thankful for this opportunity, and for the friendships and knowledge I have gained. Would I do it again? Of course.我只是非常感谢能有这样一个机会,无论是对友谊还是对我所获得的知识而言。我会不会重来一次?当然会啊。

9.ARCHES of red, white and green tinsel, hanging between the pght posts of Mulberry Street, shimmered in the August heat.纽约茂比利街的路灯之间扯起了红白绿的拱形彩饰,在八月暑热中微微泛光。

10.It belongs to a new material to deeply work float glass and consists of alloy tinsel inner layer and electroplated chrome outer layer.该复合金属丝由内层合金丝与外层电镀铬组成。