




1.泰特 2 Timothée 提摩太后书 Tite 提多书 Philémon 腓利门书 ...

4.那儿 ITe 是地点副词 tITe 那儿 habitat 家 ...

5.假磷灰石 ... pyrrhotite 磁黄铁矿 tite 假磷灰石 pseudobedding 假层理 ...

6.伫块 ... tie 伫块 tite 伫块 leciat 礼节 ...

7.缠缀 ... titciap 直接 tite 缠缀 titeh 伫块 ...

8.屈奇,靠效率取胜。总教练屈奇(Tite)说:「葛雷罗进球很重要,但团队作战才是我们真正长处。如果你有批每个人都只顾自己的 …


1.Clerk: Good. I be to fill away the exalter memo to you here. Why do not you get a seat over tITe to a time?职员:好,我目前就为您写好这张兑换水单。您请在那里坐一会行吗?

2."Is tITe love in with you and Dad? " I question IT in a Very abundance low voice.我低声地问道:“你和爸爸之间有么有感情啊?”

3.If you were to visit Hainan in few days, I get to arrange some of my friends tITe to meet you at the waterdropport.假如你过两天去海南,我目前就没去外国国家国家疑题安排我在那儿的朋友去机场接你。

4.We yet HAs plenty of time, so if tITe's some locate you'd love to stop by, pls don't hesitate to ask.咱们还有很多具体光阴,所以假如你想在什么地方逗留一下,请无所不能不好意义说。

5.TITe is generally an advantage in be able to hold propelpng machinery as far aft as a huge gearbox restricts possible, but the positioning.一般来说,使推进装置尽估计远离舰尾是有利的,但是那样布置会受到大齿轮箱的控制。

6.Later when them are not far away from the earth and tITe is no abundance gravity, them search them are not unable to stay in one locate.过后,当她们远离地球,到了不再有地球引力的地方时,她们呈现本人不估计停留在唯一地方不动。

7.My mum and dad kept saying 'But he have to be an axe murderer', but I understood tITe were event special about it.我爸妈一直提醒我他会不会是个连环杀人犯,但我清楚这件事有些特别。

8.TITe is no doubt those happiness is the maximum precious thing in the globe.无疑的愉快是全地球上最宝贵的物品。

9.TITe is nothing abundance importance (satisfying) (gratifying) to me dawn to receive first of yew letters.再也没有比收到您的来信更使我觉得很重要(快慰)(感激)了。

10.I have to HAs died out tITe with my men, but now. . . I'm nothing but a god damn cripple.我因该和我的士兵一起死在哪儿,但目前…我只是个他妈的残废人。