


网络释义:快速启动工具栏(true launch bar);缓冲器;后援缓冲器


1.快速启动工具栏(true launch bar)系统美化软件True Launch BarTLB)的插件应用简要教程注册过期:TLB V4.1官方去图标 中文补丁:下载1|下载2|下载3|下 …

2.缓冲器 仅对于ARM1136处理器,主转换后 备缓冲器 (TLB) 可配置为在ARM11内核 处于休眠模式时保留上电状态。在这种情 况下, …

3.后援缓冲器  优化翻译后援缓冲器TLB)的性能:每次VMentry和VMexit发生时,由于需要重新加载CR3寄存器,因此TLB Translation Loo…

4.转换后备缓冲器(Translation Lookaside Buffer)CP15寄存器8,或转换后备缓冲器(TLB)工作寄存器,用于管理指令TLB与数据TLB。使用opcode_2及写CP15 寄存器8 的MCR …


1.Whenever an instruction is fetched from memory, the instruction pointer is translated via the instruction TLB into a physical address.无论何时从内存中取一个指令,指令指针都会经指令TLB的翻译后指向物理地址。

2.An increase in TLB hit rate improves the CPI metric and, therefore, performance of that program.提高TLB命中率可以提高CPI度量,从而也提高程序的性能。

3.The source pbrary is a file with a . tlb extension, as opposed to a . dll extension.源库是一个扩展名为.tlb的文件,图5中的扩展名则是.dll。

4.Seems inefficient - 3 memory accesses for one user memory access. So, speed it up with a TLB. 64 entry fully associative TLB.这样看起来效率太差了--一次用户空间的访问需要3次物理内存的访问。那就用TLB来加速它!

5.A TLB is a relatively small cache area that stores the most-recent address translation in anticipation of its potential reuse.TLB是一个较小的缓存区域,用于存储最近的地址转换,以便再次使用。

6.TLB cache entry reuse (cache hit) equates to quicker address translation and subsequently faster access to physical memory.TLB缓存条目重用(缓存命中)意味着更快的地址转换,还意味着对物理内存的更快的访问。

7.The TLB miss overhead represents one important component of the overall CPI metric.TLB失误的开销是整个CPI度量中的一个重要部分。

8.The core component is called RqGuiApp. tlb.它的核心组件为RqGuiApp.tlb。

9.TLB is the cache holding the mapping information from the virtual address to the physical page in memory.TLB缓存包含从虚拟地址到内存中物理页面的映射信息。

10.Childhood things, laughter and talk, order date and the TLB, mountain, evil really from music, laughter and weak.童年之事,笑而谈之,序日过而之,山地为证,邪真从乐,笑而淡之。