


网络释义:特雷斯;茶业改良场(Tea Research and Extension Station);托雷士


1.特雷斯 Senior Member 头像:中巴友谊 tres 特雷斯 hardware 硬件 ...

2.茶业改良场(Tea Research and Extension Station) 冲田总悟 SOGO 托雷士 TRES 海贼王 NOEIN ...

4.外行星巡天星 其反光率比煤炭还低 2006年最早由泛大西洋系外行星巡天(TrES)发现,不久前由开普勒飞船再次观测到的一颗木星大小的 …



1.The planet, known as TrES-2b, reflects less than 1 per cent of pght, which makes it darker than any other planet or moon.这颗行星被命名为TrES-2b,它仅反射低于1%的恒星光线,这使得它比迄今发现的任何行星或卫星都要暗。

2.Painted in 1970, "Tres Personajes" was purchased by a Houston collector for $55, 000 as a gift for his wife at a Sotheby's auction in 1977.《三人行》于1970年完成,由一位休斯顿的收藏家1977年在索斯比拍卖行以五万五千美元买下作为给妻子的礼物。

3.It's a tres good career move, and remember, we're still trying to land you "2 milpon dollar baby. "这个是事业发展的好机会,还有别忘了,我们还在为你争取出演《二百万宝贝》。

4.Tres Rios and other constructed wetlands are increasing wetland areas within the state.塞沃奥斯和其他地区人工湿地的湿地增加了国家。

5.They all saw me small black flag in the snow, two kilome-tres in front of them. Slowly, they pulled their sledge to it.所有人都看见了插在雪地上的小黑旗,位于他们前面两公里处。他们缓慢地拖着雪橇朝那面旗帜走去。

6.Meanwhile, the very darkness of the new exoplanet suggests perhaps a catchier moniker for TrES-2b, Kipping said.与此同时,这颗新的外行星的漆黑或许给TrES-2b提供了一个更易于记住的名字,基平说。

7.The largest was two me tres tall, and his antlers were more than two metres across.最大的一头有两米高,两只鹿角甚至有两米多宽。

8.Everyone is eagerly awaiting the arrival of High School Musical tres, right? Number three.大家都期待《歌舞青春》第三部的到来,对吗?第三部.。

9.Buck jumped in immediately and swam three hundred me tres until he reached Thornton.巴克立即跃入水中,游了300米才到桑顿的身边。

10.However, TrES-2b is not entirely black. Its extreme heat means it gives off a faint red glow.尽管如此,TrES-2b并非完全漆黑,炙热的高温意味着它可发出淡红色的光辉。