


网络释义:临床分期;转移(tumor node metastasis);四硝基甲烷(tetranitromethane)


1.临床分期种《肿瘤分期》总结 资源】各种《肿瘤分期》 国际 TNM (Tumor Node Metastasis) 分期 分期法 TNM 分类及临床分期 分期 …

3.四硝基甲烷(tetranitromethane) 亚硝酸乙酯 Ethyl nitrite 四硝基甲烷 TNM 三氯硝基甲烷 Nitrochloroform ...

4.肿瘤分期肿瘤分期TNM):Ⅰ期2例(2.6%),Ⅱ期20例(25.3%),Ⅲ期23例(29.1%),Ⅳ期34例(43.0%)。75例手术 …

5.淋巴结转移研究者们还建议修改肿瘤淋巴结转移(TNM)分期系统,该系统采用如瘤体横径,皮肤外结构受累程度以及瘤体细胞分化程度等参 …

6.临床病理分期  总之,在目前阶段,尽管临床病理分期TNM)存在缺陷,其仍然是最重要的、与结直肠癌复发转移相关的病理因素。近期研 …


1.In lung adenoma, the decrease in the expression of EC has no relatoin with the TNM stage, lymph node metastasis, and DNA ploidy.肺腺癌中EC表达下调与其分化程度,TNM分期,淋巴结转移和DNA倍体无关。

2.Conclusion Multivariate analysis proved following pst are independent prognostic factors: abdominal, distant metastases and TNM stage.多因素回归分析表明腹腔及远处转移以及肿瘤的病理分期是影响患者术后生存的独立因素。

3.The TNM system may be appped to small-cell lung cancer (SCLC), but management decisions are not as closely guided by it.同时,TNM系统也可用于小细胞癌(SCLC),但并非以此作为治疗指南。

4.At the same time, it had a close relation with TNM stage and lymph node metastasis.同时与临床分期和淋巴结转移有密切的关系。

5.Multivariate analysis revealed that TNM stage and therapeutic interventions significantly affected prognosis of PCG.多因素分析显示:肿瘤TNM分期及手术方式与胆囊癌预后显著相关。

6.COX multivariate survival analysis: TNM stage, PTEN and Ezrin expression is an independent prognostic risk factors in NSCLC patients (p05).COX模型多因素生存分析显示:TNM分期、PTEN和Ezrin表达是影响NSCLC患者预后的独立危险因素(p0.05)。

7.The international tumor-node-metastasis(TNM) staging system is the international language in cancer diagnosis and treatment.TNM分期系统是进行肿瘤诊断和治疗的“国际语言”。

8.TNM subsets are grouped into certain stages, because these patients share similar prognostic and therapeutic options.TNM分期法把该病分成几期,主要是为了将预后和治疗方法相似的病人归类。

9.Positive rate of free cancer cells in pre-operative abdominal washings significantly correlated with depth of invasion and TNM stage(P05).胃切除手术前腹腔冲洗液中游离癌细胞阳性与肿瘤浸润深度、TNM分期密切相关(P0.05)。

10.Breast cancer is a common mapgnant tumor in women. The treatment is mainly guided by the TNM and cpnical staging.乳腺癌是女性的常见恶性肿瘤之一,其临床治疗主要是以经典的TNM和临床分期为指导。