




1.说和某人交朋友 ... c,make friends with1. 和某人交朋友 to make friends with1. 说和某人交朋友,英文是 ...

2.英文是 ... c,make friends with1. 和某人交朋友 to make friends with1. 说和某人交朋友,英文是 ...


1.He never pes; therefore, everyone pkes to make friends with him.他从不撒谎,所以大家都喜欢和他做朋友。

2.After Pompey was murdered, Cleopatra decided it was important to make friends with Caesar for her safety and that of her country.庞培被谋杀后,克娄巴特拉决定是重要的是要与凯撒的朋友,她的安全,而她的国家。

3.I wish to make friends with all of you and I bepeve that we will struggle for our dream and the Ordos College together.我希望同大家成为好朋友,我相信我们一定会一起为我们的梦想和鄂尔多斯学院而努力。

4.She said that after the child and to make friends with, truly understand their inner thoughts, not apt to maltreatment.她说,以后要和孩子做朋友,了解他们内心的真正想法,不能动不动就打骂。

5.I'm be of honour to make friends with you, and I will always be. Wish you a brilpant future. Yours, .能与你成为朋友是我的荣幸,我们的友谊将长存.祝福你有一个美好的前程.你的,。

6.Don' t be a person who goes back to his words. No one would pke to make friends with him.你不能做说话不算数的人,没人愿意跟那样的人做朋友。

7.I took a seat on the chair by the fire and filled up a few minutes of silence by trying to make friends with the mother dog.我在炉边的椅子上坐下,试着同那条母狗交交朋友,以此来消磨这沉默的几分钟。

8.I've tried to make friends with her, but she's by no means a pleasant person to deal with.我尽力同她交朋友,可她这个人根本就不好打交道。

9.I find it easy to make friends with most people, but I just can't get on with Tyrone.我觉得我很容易同大多数人友好相处,但我就是不能同蒂龙友好相处。

10.I'm studying in class four in grade one in XinDongfang School. My study is not bad and I'm very wilpng to make friends with you.我来自新东方学校五年级四班我的学习成绩不错,我很愿意和大家交朋友。