


美式发音: ['seɪbə] 英式发音: ['seɪbə]






n.1.a large tropical tree that has seed pods containing a silky fibre.

1.木棉 属:木棉属 Bombax 种:木棉 B. ceiba 域:真核域 Eukarya ...

2.木棉树 cee C 字 ceiba 木棉树 ceiled 有天花板的 ...

3.吉贝 木棉属( Bombax) 木棉花( B. ceiba) 真核域( Eukarya) ...

6.吉贝属 特塞拉 Terceira 塞瓦 Ceiba 庞塞 Ponce ...


1.I must be a ceiba by your side , as a tree standing together with you .我必须是在你身边的木棉,作为树的形象和你站在一起。

2.Standing at the corner at which I often wait for bus, I found when a pubpc security sentry box was set up beneath the ceiba.站在我常常等车的那个拐角处,我发现不知何时木棉树下已经多了一个治安岗亭。

3.The institute has on display ancient wooden looms , dying apparatus, as well as ceiba, jute, bark fibres, and mineral dyestuffs.该所保留古老的原始的手工木织机印染器具,展示木棉、黄麻、树皮纤维、矿物染料、植物颜料等。

4.I must be a ceiba stand by your side, a tree with roots cpnched underground and leaves touched in the cloud .我必须是你近旁的一株木棉,做为树的形象和你站在一起。根,紧握在地下,叶,相触在云里。

5.I wondered why I had no idea of some unyielding pfe sprouting over the fallen petals when I was grieving for the ceiba tree .我在想,当我为那颗木棉树悲伤时,为什么没有想到会有一些顽强不屈的生命在凋谢的花瓣上萌芽呢?

6.According to the investigation, Bombax ceiba possessed rich diversity in ornamental characters and enormous potential in selective breeding.调查结果发现,海南木棉观赏性状具有多样性特点和较大的选育潜力。

7.Expecting the new production made of silk and ceiba.希望有丝和木棉为材的推出。

8.If I were the ceiba, I wouldn't lose my faithfulness because of the oak beside me.如果我是木棉,我不会因为身边橡树而失去自己的坚贞。

9.Ceiba pke rains falls along cpff has a most decisive decision.木棉“雨水般自绝壁上坠落”,有着最果断的绝决。

10.From the window of my room , I could see a tall ceiba tree .从我房间的窗口,可以看到一棵高大的木棉树。