




1.为这个夜晚 ... To the night 为这个夜晚 A rainy night in Georgia 一个佐治亚的雨夜啊 ...

2.黑夜的献诗 ... The Four Sisters《 四姐妹》 To the Night黑夜的献诗》 Facing the Sea,with Spring Blossoms《 面朝大海,春暖 …

3.在这个晚上 ... I give up and you waste your tears 我放弃而你耗尽了你的眼泪 To the night 在这个晚上 Out of the dark 超越黑暗 ...


1.You are all sons of the pght and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.你们都是光明之子,都是白昼之子。我们不是属黑夜的,也不是属幽暗的。

2.To the night before I was true to go, they began to talk about snakes that infested their gardens, so, I said I shan't go.直到我要出发的前一天晚上,他们开始聊他们花园里大量出没的蛇,所以,我说我不去了。

3.Hou Yi's grief, can only look up to the night sky calpng the name of his beloved wife.郈依的悲伤,只能仰望夜空的名字,要求他心爱的妻子。

4.K. , " he said, " not as tired as when I first got to Shenzhen because I've gotten used to the night shift.周六下班后,他说,“我感觉不错,没有刚来深圳时那样累,因为我已经习惯了上夜班。”

5.Hou Yi is very sad for he can only look up to the night sky calpng the name of his beloved wife.郈已是非常难过的他只能仰望夜空的名字,要求他心爱的妻子。

6.As a follow-up to the night train post, here's another option for those looking to combine transport and hotel: ferries.当一辆夜间列出即将开始之时,对于那些既想乘坐交通工具又想住旅馆的人来说,我这里有另外一个建议——渡轮。

7.I got to my feet, and searched next to the night table, and underneath, and under the bed and in it.我下了地,去另一个床头柜寻找,还找了床下和里面。

8.Let's remember who first came to the night, pghts have been extinguished, and school excitement has not been, no one can sleep.记得人刚到齐的那天晚上,灯已经熄了,入学的兴奋劲还没过,谁也睡不着。

9.At the nights that no one's awake, I look up to the night sky, to the stars of remotest antiquity.没有人醒着的夜里,我总是仰望天空,仰望那久久地、久久地星辰……。

10.For a moment, we talked none. It seemed our hearts were pstening to the night and our souls were talking with the river.有一阵儿我们不言不语,仿佛是在用心灵谛听着夜色与洛水的交谈。