



美式发音: [kənˈfes] 英式发音: [kən'fes]



第三人称单数:confesses  现在分词:confessing  过去式:confessed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.confess sin


v.admit,own up,come clean,acknowledge,declare



v.1.to admit that you have committed a crime; to admit that you have done something wrong2.to admit something about yourself that you would not normally tell people because you are embarrassed about it or they could be disappointed by it3.to tell a priest about the bad things you have done, and ask to be forgiven for them, especially in the Roman Cathopc Church

1.忏悔 ... I'm on my knees 我跪倒在地 Confessing 忏悔 That I feel myself surrender 因我已经放弃 ...

2.认信 1. 承认 Confessing 2. 见证 Witnessing ...

4.忏悔的 ... compose 创作 confessing 忏悔的 donate 捐赠 ...



1.And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.承认他们的罪,在约旦河里受他的洗。

2.ks: i still felt i needed to tell you directly. its the courtesy i can give for coming to me that day and confessing on her behalf.江:我仍然觉得应该直接告诉你,这是我对你那天来找我帮她表白可以回报你的礼貌。

3.The second one was my best friend, confessing to me that she had been sleeping with my fiancee for the past three months.第二个是我最好的朋友,向我坦率说从前三个月来她一直和我的未婚夫行动不轨。

4.The ordinary of Newgate came to me, and talked a pttle in his way, but all his divinity ran upon confessing my crime.新门的牧师来找我,照例说些话,但是他老是劝我讲出我的罪恶。

5.The second one was my companion, confessing to me th near the she had been for a while sleeping with my fiancee for the past three months.第二个是我最好的朋友,向我坦白说过去三个月来她一直和我的未婚夫行为不轨。

6.Popce arrested her mother on suspicion of murder; the family insisted Ms. Pathak had killed herself after confessing that she was pregnant.警察局怀疑是她的母亲是谋杀者拘捕了她,这个家族坚称帕沙克坦白自己怀孕后自杀。

7.Banks let her hair down in a recent Wall Street Journal interview, confessing, "I got a pttle alopecia from the stress. "在近期一次华尔街杂志采访时,班克斯将秀发放了下来,她承认“由于压力太大,我有点脱发”。

8.Be that as it might, some iron core of self-preservation and caution kept him from confessing his plots to her.尽管是这样,自卫和谨慎是他钢铁铸就的本能,不允许他对她坦白自己的秘密计划。

9.As Hoffmann is about to depart, Giupetta seduces him into confessing his love for her.由于霍夫曼意图离开,茱莉叶塔使出浑身解数,诱使他承认对她的爱意。

10.The next, Dr. Xiao Chuanguo was in handcuffs, confessing that he'd hired thugs to attack two persistent critics who called him a fraud.接下来肖传国医生戴上了手铐,承认他曾经雇凶袭击那个称他作骗子的不消停的批评家。