


网络释义:陀博;托布;公开收购(take-over bid)


1.陀博 Tebcimbi 特博勤比 忍耐 Tob 陀博 正直、公正 Tojin 陀瑾 孔雀 ...

2.托布uon Solenoid) experiment Tracker Outer Barrel (TOB) in the cleaning room.

5.要约收购日本IHI公司8日宣布将对明星电器公司进行要约收购TOB),获得半数以上股权,将其纳入旗下。明星电器在太空和气象相关 …


7.股票收购   松下对三洋的股权公开股票收购(TOB)于12月9日正式完成,前者取得后者过半数股权。本月内松下将向三洋有关股东各方支付 …

8.公开收购股票关于焦点所在的公开收购股票(TOB)价格问题,预计双方将继续在150至200日元不到的范围内展开最大限度的拉锯战。一位谈 …


1.Then Jephthah fled from his brethren, and dwelt in the land of Tob: and there were gathered vain men to Jephthah, and went out with him.耶弗他就逃避他的弟兄,去住在陀伯地,有些匪徒到他那里聚集,与他一同出入。

2.Thr is no doubt that our educational system lads something tob dsird.毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满足。

3.Never mind runnin my own steps by second, minute, hour, tob lazy pke a cat, love myself.无所谓地走着自己的秒针,分针,时针,像猫一样庸懒,宠幸自己。

4.If you want to be a member of the club you have tob subject to its rules.如果你想成为这个俱乐部的一员,你必须遵守它的规则。

5.The Bailey Power Plant's twin redbrick chimneys emblazoned with "RJR TOB CO" loom over the interstate.贝利电力厂的红砖双烟囱上雕刻着“RJRTOBCO”,隐隐约约出现在洲际大路的旁边。

6.The support plate permits the entire unit tob installed or removed without disturbing other equipment mounted on the same cover.支撑板可使整个装置安装或拆卸,而不会对气体安装在同一个盖上的其它设备造成干扰。

7.South Americ an evergreen tree yielding winter's bark and a pght soft wood similar tob ass wood.南美的一种常绿木,生产温特树皮和一种轻软木材,略象椴木。

8.Thanksgiving, although it is an act of th vrb, but it nds mor action, mor importantly, nds tob don in good faith.感恩,它虽说是一个行为动词,但它不止需要行动,更重要的是需要做到真心实意。

9.The program is suitable for computing various BHAs. This paper studies the effects of TOB and WOB on the bit lateral forces.本文运用该程序计算和分析了钻头扭矩及钻压对钻头侧向力的影响,得到了有关影响规律。

10.Only by cutting the price by more than 10% can more customers be lured tob uy your products.只有降价10%以上才有可能吸引更多的客户来购买贵方的产品。