





4.苏门答腊的多巴 ... - Sanjusangendo 三十三间堂 - - Toba 鸟羽观光 - - Toyota Day 丰田车厂参观 - ...

8.湖多巴其上游是印尼最大内陆湖多巴(TOBA)湖。该水电站厂房内设两台单机容量为90兆瓦的水轮发电机组,总装机180兆瓦,年平均 …


1.Any talk of reviving the city's fishing industry or other rebuilding efforts was 'far, far off, ' Mr. Toba said, a week after the disaster.当时,刀羽太说,任何关于恢复该市渔业或其他重建工作的想法看起来都遥不可及。

2.When they were picking out engagement rings in a jewelry store, Mr. Toba recalled, a clerk asked if he was shopping for his daughter.当他们在一家珠宝店挑选订婚戒指时,一位店员问他是不是在帮女儿买戒指。

3.For weeks, Mr. Toba had been too busy to visit the morgue to see if Kumi was there.几周以来,刀羽太一直非常繁忙,都没有时间去停尸所看看久美是否在那儿。

4.Some scientists have suggested that Toba caused the deep freeze and that perhaps such an event happening today could bring on a new ice age.一些科学家们提出:是多巴火山引起了地球的深层冻结,如果当今有这样的火山爆发,或许会引起一个新的冰河时代。

5.The floor is pttered with photos, including pictures of a younger Mr. Toba in a gray suit with Kumi on their wedding day.地板上散落着照片,其中包括身穿灰色西装的刀羽和久美在结婚当天的照片。

6.Mr. Toba said he feared the entire building would collapse.刀羽太称,他担心整座建筑物会倒塌。

7.Mayor Toba sees it as an essential part of his job to persuade people to stay.市长刀羽太将劝说人们留下视为其工作当中很重要的一个部分。

8.Mr. Toba's campaign called for reducing the city's debt after years of heavy spending.刀羽太的竞选口号是消减该市数年大举支出之后累积的债务。

9.'The city might be smaller than it was before, ' Mr. Toba said.刀羽太说,“这座城市的规模可能会比以前小一些。”

10.When Mr. Toba told his wife he wanted the job, 'she just said, 'OK, I understand. ''当刀羽太告诉妻子他想竞选市长时,她只说了一句,“好的,我理解你。”