




1.固定 联络的时间到了 It is time to call 固定~ To fix 好了 To release ...

2.修理 ... 尝试: try 修理to fix;to repair 报酬: remuneration ...

3.定影 bath 水洗 to fix 定影 emulsion 感光剂 ...

4.b修 A. fixed 答:固定 B. to fix b修 C. fix 修理c。 ...

5.叫人去修 飞过 to fly over;to fly past 改过 to correct;to fix 过半 over fifty percent;more than half ...

7.搞定 ... 高校 ;universities and colleges 搞定 to settle;to fix;to wangle 搞好 to do well at;to do a good job ...

8.规定 笔 Stroke 规定 To fix 错字 Wrong character ...


1.She hopped out of bed and found that the bridge on her favorite castle had been broken in the night, and it took her forever to fix it.她腾的从床上跳下来,发现城堡的桥,在夜里断了。那可是她最喜欢的城堡啊,她怎么也修不好它。

2.The opposition thinks Mr Bozo and his colleagues would be better employed trying to fix the mess in the oil industry.反对派则认为Bozo先生和他的同事们还不如花精力去处理石油产业内的混乱状况。

3.This one is fairly easy to fix and really only requires a bit of effort and attention.这是一个相当容易解决的问题,仅仅需要一点努力和注意。

4."At the moment, she's there with a hole in the ceipng over her head. I don't have time to fix it, " Eugene admits.“现在,在她的头上的天花板上就有一个破洞在那里。我根本没有时间修理它”尤金承认说。

5.But nearly three years after declaring the system a failure, officials are at last getting ready to unveil a plan to fix it.在宣布医改失败三年之后,中国政府终于开始准备实施新的方案来救治中国的卫生保健系统。

6.What are your rates? What does that include? When is check-out time? I'm here to fix the copier. What seems to be the problem?费用多少?包括了哪些服务?什么时候必须结帐?我是来修复印机的。哪儿出毛病了?。

7.Shielding the tank right as he's pulpng is a rookie mistake, and we're not really trying to "fix" that.在TANK正准备引怪是加盾是新手性的错误,而且我们并不打算去修正它。

8.He addressed them, he pointed them out and he said we have to fix them, make sure it does not happen again, carry forward.他指出这些丑事,并且表示,我们必须解决这些问题,确保它不再发生。然后大家继续向前走。

9.Canning 32nm gave TSMC a few more months of running around in circles trying to fix the mounting problems that it had.坎宁了台积电32纳米的运行试图解决日益加剧的问题,它已手忙脚乱几个月。

10.I wouldn't have gotten that painting out of her if I hadn't promised to fix her up with that cunt from Minnesota.若不是我答应安排她同那个明尼苏达州来的女人见面,她才不会白给我画这张像呢。