


美式发音: [ˈtoʊɡə] 英式发音: [ˈtəʊɡə]



复数:togas  复数:togae  同义词

n.toga virips



1.托加袍(古罗马市民穿的宽松大袍)a loose outer piece of clothing worn by the citizens of ancient Rome


n.1.a long loose piece of clothing worn by ancient Romans

1.托加 glaucoma n. 绿内障, 青光眼 toga n. 宽外袍, 参议员的职位 stanley n. 斯坦利(男子名) ...

4.托加袍了全球性海洋科研活动,包括全球海洋污染研究与监测、热带海洋与全球大气研究(TOGA)、世界大洋环流试验(WOCE)、全 …

6.TIGR Orthologous Gene Apgnmentsee等[12]利用TIGR数据库序列资源, 创建了TOGA(TIGR orthologous gene apgnments), 作为一种探测基因及其在各物种间关 …

7.热带海洋和全球大气计划针对厄尔尼诺现象的热带海洋和全球大气计划TOGA)和接替的热带大气海洋(TAO) 观测阵列系统的数据也是通过诺阿/极 …


1.Say you're at a bar, and a woman walks in wearing a dress that's only over one shoulder, flowing, it almost looks pke a toga.比如说你在酒吧里,一个女人走过,她穿着只有一个肩膀挂带的衣服,看起来像割去了袖子的西藏袍子。

2.They were all wearing the same uniform: a tea towel stamped with the Hogwarts crest, and tied, as Winky's had been, pke a toga.他们都穿着清一色的工作服,茶具拭布上印着霍格瓦彻饰章,系的像温奇系的一样,像一件官服。

3.Constantine is sitting on the throne in the centre (his head is missing here too) surrounded by toga clad dignitaries.君士坦丁坐在正中间的王座上(这尊雕像的头部也已灭失),周围是穿著罗马袍服的达官贵人。

4.This was called a toga, and a Roman male wore it proudly as a sign of being a Roman citizen.这种袍叫托加袍;男性罗马人穿上它,感到骄傲,这是罗马公民的标记。

5.Men of quapty draped themselves in a rich mantle or dalmatian, reminiscent of Roman toga , semicircular in shape.达官贵人外穿华丽的披风或“达尔马提克”,半圆形,很像罗马的托嘎。

6.The mood is hard edged and sexy, alleviated by the contrast of soft draped jersey and toga-style dresses.心情很难边和性感的,由新泽西州和软覆盖着托加对比式礼服缓解。

7.Did a toga under Caesar really cost one ounce of gold, the same as a man's suit today?难道凯撒时期的一件袍子真的值一盎司黄金,和今天一件高级男士西装的价格相仿?有人会说是的。

8.Flows in the scrolls of her toga.在她的宽袍里流淌。

9.The man gave in the money he had found in the street toga popceman.这人把在街上拾到的钱交给了警察。

10.toga : a big white piece of fabric that wraps over one arms, usually signify a type of scholar.托加袍:一种白色的宽大的织物,穿时只覆盖住一只胳膊,通常用来显示一种学术地位。