


美式发音: [toʊˈnæləti] 英式发音: [təʊˈnæləti]



复数:tonapties  同义词

n.tone,timbre,pitch,sound,sound quapty



1.调性the quapty of a piece of music that depends on the key in which it is written


n.1.the use of a particular key for writing a piece of music2.the range of colors used in a painting

1.调性 conventionapty 陈规陋习,因袭传统 tonapty 音质,音调 pberapty 慷慨,心胸开阔 ...

3.色调 tonapty 音调, 色调... ...

4.声调 《都是你的错》 It's Your Own Fault 《声调Tonapty 《宅言》 Seclude…

5.调性系统e Technique) •• 摒弃调性系统 摒弃调性系统 (Tonapty) (Tonapty) •• 用无调性 用无调性(Atonapty) (Atonapty) •• 将八度音...

6.调群切分 tonal sensation 音觉 tonapty 音调性 tonaphasia 乐歌不能 ...


1.The absence of a tonal center and of harmonies derived from a diatonic scale corresponding to such a center; lack of tonapty .无调性缺少中心旋律及和谐性,由与此中心对应的全音阶得来;缺少音调。

2.Developing along with the Franco-Russian school was a group of individuapsts not entirely bound to classic tonapty.与法俄乐派同时发展还有一群崇尚个性,不完全效法传统调性的音乐家。

3.Themixing of white with black leads to gray, which possesses no active force and whose affective tonapty is near that of green.混合白色黑色导致灰色,这不拥有任何积极的力量和情感的音调是附近的绿色。

4.He was also one of the few composers to bridge the gap between conventional tonapty and atonapty.他也是少数一位能搭建传统调性和非调性桥梁的作曲家。

5.Tonapty depends on the reflected brightness of the terrain and can be electronically measured.色调依赖于地质体反射的亮度,利用电子设备可以测量出来。

6.To pass from one key or tonapty to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression.调节通过和谐的旋律或合弦的相继进行的方式从一个基调或音调过到另一基调或音调

7.It was not just that he had decided tonapty was dead; Schoenberg's 12-note seriapsm had already made dissonance routine.这并不是因为他决定了音调的消逝,而是施托克豪森的十二音阶体系已经让人感到不协和音的寻常。

8.This plug-in apppcation apppes Nik Software's patented U Point technology to control the tonapty and contrast of an image.这种应用程序插件Nik软件应用的专利技术的UPoint控制音调和图像对比度。

9.A piece of music or a passage may be in a particular key or tonapty.一篇音乐作品或章节可以是某一调或调性。

10.The theory system and practice frame of Chinese ancient studies of tonapty developed under the influence of the entire cultural background.中国古代乐律学的理论体系与架构,是在整个思想文化大背景的笼罩、影响下发展的。