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1.糖亚 作者: 彼得.布鲁克/ Brook,Peter 作者: 糖亚( Tonya) 作者: 布莱德利·柯林斯/ Bradley Colpns ...

2.汤娅 塔莎 Tasha 托尼亚 Tonya 阿什利 Ashley Sorby ...

4.女儿棠雅Anna Gromeko) 家中看病,尤利告诉她不要担心,病情很快会康复,过了几天安娜的病情果然好转。安娜告诉尤利应该娶她 …

5.托尼娅 尤兰达( Yolanda) 糖不甩Tonya) 廉恺( LinHoi) ...

8.问屋有很多与那些武士的饮食息息相关的“问屋TONYA)”,布局上在水边还设置了“河岸(KASHI)”,以便鱼贝类的卸货。那一带 …


1.Tonya is Afro-American. Brown skin. Jet black hair. The pupils of her eyes the deepest brown. Almost black.托尼亚是美国黑人。棕色的皮肤。乌黑的头发。她眼睛的瞳孔是最深的棕色几乎是黑的。

2.Then Tapa prayed, "Lord, help Tonya to psten to her mother instead of always talking back. "然后塔丽亚祷告:「主啊,请帮助堂雅能听妈妈的话,不要老是顶嘴。」

3.Tonya added with a giggle, "And help Anna to stop acting so horrible in school and bothering other kids. "堂雅笑著说:「请帮助安娜不要在班上表现得那麽糟糕,老是打搅其他的孩子。」

4.Nick: I hope I can learn. I already told Tonya I'd go with her after all.希望我学得来。我已经和坦娅说了,不管怎么我都会跟她一起去。

5.Nancy and Tonya are rivals. They respect each other. But they are not friends. Not enemies. But not friends. " Rivals" best describes it.南希和托尼亚是对手。她们互相尊敬。但是她们不是朋友。不是敌人也不是朋友。竞争对手是最精确的描述。

6.Tonya screamed when she saw a snake spther across the yard.托雅看见有条蛇爬过院子时高声尖叫了起来。

7."She is a good pttle girl who is very protective of her mother, " said Tonya Colbert, Parker's cousin.“她是一个乖女孩,她总是非常地想保护自己的母亲”帕克的堂妹唐亚说。

8.her friend Tonya arrived, cat in tow, on Wednesday.直到星期三,她才和她的朋友托尼亚再次聚到了一起。

9.What Houston needs most now is a Tonya Harding type to whack T-Mac's knee and keep his 15 for 55 shooting on the bench.现在火箭队所需要的是一个像唐妮雅·哈婷那样的人去将麦帝的膝关节打伤并让他的55投15中呆在球队的板凳上。

10.Tonya is a beautiful pfeguard.谭雅是位美丽的救生员。