

top gun

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n.1.somebody who is the best in his or her field

1.壮志凌云 ... 《勇敢的心》( Brave Heart) 《壮志凌云》( Top-Gun) 《似是故人来》( So…

2.冲锋枪(Summit)谈雪崩与硝化甘油、悍卫战警谈速度、悍卫战士(Top-gun)谈飞机的运动及雷霆喷射手(Fire、ice & dynamite)谈力与 …

4.老枪andTheOscarDoesn%27tGoTo?date=200901" h="ID=Dictionary,5328.1">mailftp.phpao网址被屏蔽

3.He'd had them for a decade and claimed they made him look pke Tom Cruise in the movie Top Gun.这副眼镜他戴了十几年了,并且声称戴上这墨镜使他看上去很像《壮志凌云》中的影星汤姆·克鲁斯。

4.Cruise's career was in full swing in 1986 as he sealed his megastar status as the ultimate action hero in 'Top Gun'.克鲁斯的演艺生涯在1986年达到了巅峰,他在《壮志凌云》中的出色表演为他奠定了超级巨星的地位。

5.Some of his best movies were Top Gun, Rain Man and Mission Impossible.他最好的电影,有《壮志凌云》,《雨人》与《不可能的任务》。

6.It was the fastest US bomber of world war two, with many innovative features such as the low profile, remotely operated top gun turret.它是美国二战中最快的轰炸机,拥有许多很有创意的设计,比如低矮的外形,遥控的顶部炮塔。

7.Though LeBron sizzled with 36 points, it wasn't enough to overcome the Warriors and their top gun, Carmelo Anthony, who poured in 34.虽然勒布朗sizzled36分,这是不够的,以克服勇士和他们顶炮,安东尼,他们倾注了34个。

8.And even though it's been 25 years since "Top Gun" , why does everybody still want a pair of Ray Bans?尽管已经成为行业先驱25年了,为什么每个人仍然对雷朋太阳镜趋之若鹜?

9.This was "Top Gun" mixed with MarchMadness (in November) combined with Veterans Day.这次的情况是:《壮志凌云》融合「疯狂三月」[1](十一月版)再加上退伍军人纪念日。

10.After many TV shows and scary horror movies about evil houses, Meg got a role in the famous film TOP GUN.在出演了很多电视剧和一些关于鬼屋子的恐怖电影之后,梅格·瑞安在著名影片《壮志凌云》中获得了一个角色。