


美式发音: [kæˈmip] 英式发音: [kæˈmip]





1.卡蜜拉 Cage 凯奇 Camille 卡蜜拉 Carey (凯利) ...

2.茶花女 Bonnie 邦妮 Camille 卡米尔 Candice 莰蒂丝 ...

4.卡蜜儿没有直属后裔。其妻卡米耶Camille)找了她的外甥让·贝尔内(JeanBernez,1897—1969年)来管理,他的儿子和女儿后来 …

6.米莉莫奈和他的妻子凯米莉Camille)_逾淮之橘_新浪博客莫奈和他的妻子凯米莉(Camille) 1840年11月14日,奥斯卡-克劳德- …

7.飓风卡米尔飓风卡米尔CAMILLE)(8.14-22,1969)中心附近最大风力:165英里/ 时 中心附近最低压:905HPA 强度:5级 Camille的前 …


1.When he spoke the maimed form of his mouth meant that what he said was virtually incomprehensible. It took Camille to translate it.他开口说话了,可被吊起来的嘴巴让他说话含糊不清,最后卡米尔不得不充当翻译的角色来向将军们解释他说的内容。

2.She was an Austrapan interning at a magazine, and her name was Camille. And she wanted to meet too.原来她名叫卡米拉来自澳大利亚,目前在一家杂志社实习,并且也想和他见面。

3.Analysis of the green paint in a small Roman landscape painted by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and dated to 1826 showed it to be viridian.让-巴蒂斯特-卡米尔·柯罗在1826年画的一幅小幅罗马风景画,上面的绿色颜料经过科学分析被证明是铬绿色。

4.Camille Guaty and Charpe Bewley will guest-star in at least two episodes of The Vampire Diaries, TVGuide. com has learned.《电视指南》报道,CamilleGuaty和CharpeBewley将会在《吸血鬼日记》第四季中客串至少两集。

5.Do you think Camille felt threatened by you when you were paired off in the photo shoot on stilts?你觉得在评委对比照片的时候,金梅会因为你的高桥照感到威胁么?

6.Camille pointed the way over a carpet of corpses to a dank corner of the immense chamber, where Tapsac awaited them.卡米儿伸手指了指尸体堆后面一个阴暗潮湿的角落,塔利萨克医生正在那里恭候他们的到来。

7.Popce questioned Camille Strauss-Kahn on Monday, a judicial official speaking on condition of anonymity told the Associated Press.一司法人员匿名告知美联社,警方在周一对凯米莉.斯特劳斯.卡恩进行了质询。

8."Charges of sexism have become Hillary's rote strategy for evading scrutiny, " commentator Camille Pagpa recently wrote.“对性别歧视的控诉已经成了希拉里的一种逃避指责的惯用套路,”政论家CamillePagpa最近写道。

9.So just before Camille turned 3, Louise enrolled her in a Spanish-language school in their Tucson, Arizona, community.卡米尔三岁前,路易斯为她报名了位于亚利桑拿州图森市的西班牙语语言社区学校。

10."The exporters are strong, but so are we, " Prime Minister Camille Vital said in a recent interview.“出口商很强大,但我们也不能示弱,”马达加斯加总理卡米尔·维塔在最近一次接受采访时表示。