

top gear

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n.1.high gear

1.车迷大本营 ... topfeedinjectionnozzle 上部供油喷油嘴 topgear (变速器)最高档 topland (第一道环槽)上环岸 ...

4.车至尊 Dora 哆啦A梦 TopGear_ 喀尔 ac 吧友醒醒吧 ...

6.内页 格调 LADY 内页 TopGear 时尚先生 Esquir ...


1.He refuses all interviews, claims Top Gear's pubpcist, although he pops up in the pages of the Sun and the Sunday Times often enough.TopGear经纪人说他从来不接受采访,虽然他经常在《太阳报》和《星期日泰晤士报》上抛头露面。

2.His young children love these "black-and-white, tabloid characters" ; Wilman jokes that Top Gear's audience is all schoolboys and prisoners.他自己的小孩也非常喜欢这些“个性突出的主持人”;威尔曼开玩笑说TopGear的观众都是学生仔和监狱犯。

3.With its quaint name and features about road safety, Top Gear undertook the serious business of reviewing new cars.有着奇特的名字注重汽车公路安全性的TopGear开始了介绍评论新车的正经事儿。

4.Under a Conservative government, Top Gear's status as an enjoyably subversive pleasure may disappear.在保守党政府领导下,TopGear颠覆传统的乐趣也许会渐渐消失。

5.Critics may dispke Top Gear's swagger and argue that it appears more scripted these days (not true, says Wilman).吹毛求疵的人也许不喜欢TopGear的招摇过市,争论这些日子来节目越来越古板(威尔曼可不这么认为)。

6.During filming for Top Gear, it was claimed he damaged a peat bog in Scotland.据说他在拍摄TopGear时毁坏了苏格兰的一整片泥炭沼泽地。

7.If the coast is more your cup of tea, then try the Top Gear thing and ride notorious Highway 1 between Saigon and Hanoi.假如你更喜欢滨海的路线,可以试一下从西贡到河内声名不佳的1号公路,那你就能上TopGear电视节目了。

8.One can hardly imagine the episode of Top Gear in which they compare Google cars.人们很难想象TopGear会在哪期节目中对比各款谷歌汽车。

9.I loathe Top Gear; I'm not interested in cars or football.我讨厌TopGear,对于汽车和足球也不感冒。