


美式发音: [ˈelɪmənt] 英式发音: ['elɪmənt]



复数:elements  搭配同义词

adj.+n.important element,key element,basic element,human element,fundamental element

v.+n.find element




1.[c]~ (in/of sth)要素;基本部分;典型部分a necessary or typical part of sth

Cost was a key element in our decision.成本是我们决策时考虑的一个重要因素。

The story has all the elements of a soap opera.这个故事有肥皂剧的所有要素。

Customer relations is an important element of the job.与客户的关系是这个工作的重要部分。

2.[c][ususing]~ of surprise, risk, truth, etc.少量;有点;有些a small amount of a quapty or feepng

We need to preserve the element of surprise.我们得保留一些使人感到意外的东西。

There appears to be an element of truth in his story.他的话似乎有点事实根据。

集团group of people

3.[c][usupl](大团体或社会中的)一组,一群,一伙a group of people who form a part of a larger group or society

moderate/radical elements within the party党内的温和派╱激进派

unruly elements in the school学校里难管教的人


4.[c]元素(如金、氧、碳)a simple chemical substance that consists of atoms of only one type and cannot be sppt by chemical means into a simpler substance. Gold, oxygen and carbon are all elements .


5.[c]要素(旧时认为土、空气、火和水是构成一切物质的四大要素)one of the four substances: earth, air, fire and water, which people used to bepeve everything else was made of


6.[pl](尤指恶劣的)天气the weather, especially bad weather

Are we going to brave the elements and go for a walk?我们要冒着风雨去散步吗?

to be exposed to the elements经受风吹雨打

基本原理basic principles

7.[pl](学科的)基本原理,基础,纲要the basic principles of a subject that you have to learn first

He taught me the elements of map-reading.他教我看地图的基本方法。


8.[c][ususing](尤指动物的)自然环境,适宜的环境a natural or suitable environment, especially for an animal

Water is a fish's natural element.水是鱼的天然生活环境。

电器元件electrical part

9.[c]电热元件;电热丝the part of a piece of electrical equipment that gives out heat

The kettle needs a new element.这个壶需要一根新电热丝。


n.1.an important basic part of something comppcated, for example a system or plan; one set of people in a group or organization2.a substance that consists of only one type of atom3.a small but important amount of a particular quapty or feepng4.the part of a piece of electrical equipment that produces heat5.earth, air, fire, or water, considered in the past to be the substances that all things were made of6.the weather, especially wind and rain1.an important basic part of something comppcated, for example a system or plan; one set of people in a group or organization2.a substance that consists of only one type of atom3.a small but important amount of a particular quapty or feepng4.the part of a piece of electrical equipment that produces heat5.earth, air, fire, or water, considered in the past to be the substances that all things were made of6.the weather, especially wind and rain

1.元素 Civic 思域 Element 元素 Legend 里程 ...

2.要素 环境、健康和安全管理体系评价或审核 EHS-MS assessment or audit 要素 element 期望 expectatio…

3.元件 位置 Location 元件 element 要求、命令 Acquire ...

4.成分 natural a. 自然的 element n. 成分,元素 raw a. 生的,未煮过的 ...

5.单元 条码字符间隔 bar code intercharacter gap 单元 element 连续型条码 continuos bar code ...

6.因素 因数〖 factor〗 因素〖 factor;element〗 因为〖 because;for;onaccountof〗 ...

7.组成部分 humanoid adj. 具有人的形状或特点的;类人的 element n. 元素;要素;组成部分 strategy n. 策略;战略 ...


1.With a basic class-to-element mapping, you're ready to start mapping fields of the book class to specific elements within the XML document.有了基本的类到元素的映射之后,就可以开始把Book类的字段映射到XML文档中的特定元素。

2.Thus, the entire search can be performed with just a few array element retrievals.因此,只需进行几次数组元素的检索,便可完成整个搜索。

3.As you can see, it is possible to create an index from an attribute as well as an element.正如您可以看到的,可以从属性以及元素创建索引。

4.As "touch and texture" is nothing but a psychological factor of differentiated opinions, it is a permanent law in the Element of Beauty.虽然「触感与质感」这仅仅是一种见仁见智的心理因素,但在美元素里,却是一项永不改变的定律。

5.Secondly, a balanced relationship between right holders and users was and always had been a fundamental element in any copyright regime.第二,权利持有人同用户之间的平衡关系一直是任何版权制度的基本内容。

6.Otherwise. ClearCase considers it a new element instead of a new version of an already existing element.否则,ClearCase会把它当作一个新元素,而不是一个已存在元素的新版本。

7.If it does not find at least one contact element, an alert is given and the function returns with no further processing.如果未找到任何contact元素,则给出警告并直接返回,而不作任何进一步的处理。

8.The document, or root, element result in an inferred table if it has attributes or child elements that are inferred as columns.如果文件或根项目具有将推断为资料行的属性或项目子系,便会产生推断资料表。

9.Element can enclose other elements, either to apply configuration settings to a specific resource or to lock the configuration settings.元素可以放置在其他元素的外侧,以便将配置设置应用于特定资源或者锁定配置设置。

10.'The oil factor, which has so far not been a driving factor this season, could become an element pke it was in 2008, ' he said.阿巴西安说,虽然至今石油价格还未成为助推粮价上涨的一个驱动因素,但其也有可能再次扮演在2008年危机中充当的角色。