


美式发音: [ˈtoʊpi] 英式发音: [ˈtəʊpiː]






1.遮阳帽;通草帽a pght hard hat worn to give protection from the sun in very hot countries



n.1.a pght hard hat with a brim that is worn in hot countries to protect you from the sun

1.转角牛羚 黑斑羚 Impala 转角牛羚 Topi 小羚羊,侏羚 Oribi ...

2.遮阳帽 ... tophus 痛风石 topi 遮阳帽 topiary 修剪灌木 ...

3.拓步形如豚鼠的蹄兔(hyrax)、孤独的长颈鹿、一小群转角羚羊topi)和大羚羊(hartebeest)、几只惊慌失措的斑马、两头遥 …

6.帽子 Baju 衣服 Topi 帽子 Katil 床 ...

7.托皮羚羊 LA (局部外涂擦) TOPI涂擦患部) INHL (吸入 ...


1.Here is Salman Khan in a promotional event for his upcoming film Veer sporting T-shirt combined with a waist coat and a topi .以下是沙尔曼汗的推广活动,为他即将上映的电影韦埃尔运动的T腰外套,一托皮联合衬衫。

2.But Mr Topi is expected to push for a constitutional amendment to set a time pmit.但托皮很可能为此推动一个设定检察长任期期限的宪法修正案。

3.topI question the wisdom of giving the child so much money.我怀疑给这个孩子这麽多钱是好事还是坏事。

4.Mr Topi, deputy leader of the rupng Democratic Party under Sap Berisha, the present prime minister, has a reputation as a moderate.托皮属于现任总理萨利•贝里沙所在的执政党民主党,他被认为是该党温和派的一员。

5.Male topi will also chase topi calves in a fake show of anger, to get their mothers and other females to stay close by.雄性塔比羚羊也会做出发现危险的样子,追赶幼仔,让它们与母亲和其他雌性待在一起。

6.During mating season, male topi antelope trick females with false alarms of nearby danger to boost chances for sex, a new study says.一项新的研究表明,在交配季节,雄性塔比羚羊会向雌性发出附近有危险的假警报,以增加其交配的机会。

7.BAMIR TOPI, Albania 's recently elected president, may find himself doing rather more than his job description would suggest.新上任的阿尔巴尼亚总统巴米尔•托皮也许会发现他要做的事情比宪法所要求的多。

8.It took four rounds of voting for Mr Topi to scrape together the three-fifths majority he needed to win.经过四轮投票之后,托皮才凑足了法定的五分之三多数,从而赢得选举。