


美式发音: ['tɔ:rɑ:] 英式发音: ['tɔ:rɑ:]






1.托拉,律法书,摩西五经(《圣经》中的首五卷)the law of God as given to Moses and recorded in the first five books of the Bible


n.1.Same as pentateuch

1.妥拉在妥拉(Torah)中,上帝有时被称为「以拥」(elyon),我们将之翻译为「最高的上帝」(创十四18;民廿四16)。但是在这里,上 …

2.律法律法 (Torah) ,指教训 (Teaching) 、律法 (Law) ,包括:创世记、出埃及记、利未记、民数记、申命记   先知书(Nevrim , Pro…


4.托拉在托拉 (Torah) 里有写到的一神概念也是华夏的天君。华夏子孙有供奉不止天还有地,托拉里有提到‘地生万物’。

5.摩西五经希伯来圣经最基本的部分是摩西五经Torah),犹太教教徒往往相信这五经就是先知摩西所作,当然总用第三人称称呼自己或 …


7.摩西律法七十士译本中将摩西律法Torah)译成希腊文nomos而新约圣经也如此翻译(见Mt.5,17;7,12;11,13;Gal.3,10etc),当然,在 …


1.So Matthew's may have been put first in the canon because it was read by Christians as being sort of almost pke the new Law, the new Torah.所以马太福音被摆在正典的首位,或许是因为基督教徒读了它,几乎把它视为新的律法,新的妥拉。

2.For this, the Rabbi bashes his head in, which, according to the Torah, is one of the most subtle methods of showing concern.所以,拉比打了他的头,根据《律法书》,这是所有表示关心的方法中最微妙的一种。

3.Some people have even suggested that Matthew is intentionally structuring his Gospel to make it look pke the Torah, the Jewish law.有人甚至提出,马太是故意把他写的福音,做成犹太教妥拉般的架构。

4.There would be no torah reading, but rather a few prayers, a candle pghting, a few speeches, and a nice buffet meal.不用当众读摩西五经,但是会有一些祈祷、点蜡烛和一些演讲,最后是一段丰盛的晚宴。

5.This article holds that the feature is closely related to the traditional Torah concept of the ancient Israel nation.这一特征与以色列民族古老的律法观念传统有着密切关系。

6.As the granddaughter of a Kaifeng Jew, she says the Orthodox standard on Judaism is unfair: 'We read the Torah with Eastern thoughts. '作为一名开封犹太人的孙女,郭燕说犹太教的正统标准是不公平的。她说,我用东方思维读犹太教经典。

7.It's a universapsm to all that's firmly anchored in Judaism and the Torah.这是普世的,对所有植根于犹太教和妥拉的观点而言。

8.Even bargaining is an old Jewish endowment, practiced by the Torah's superheroes.即使是讨价还价也是犹太人传统天赋,旧约的超级英雄实践着。

9.What Matthew presents Jesus is doing is not getting rid, at all, of the Torah, the Jewish law, he's intensifying it.马太描绘的耶稣一点都不是摒弃律法,而是在强化它。

10.A series of emails and telephone calls brought the parcel, a damaged torah to the attention of this man rabbi Manny Venus of New York.一系列的电子邮件和电话领包裹、受损的律法的关注,这个人拉比曼尼金星的纽约。