


美式发音: [ˈtɔrɪd] 英式发音: [ˈtɒrɪd]








1.(尤指情爱)热烈的,狂热的,热情洋溢的full of strong emotions, especially connected with sex and love

a torrid love affair狂热的恋情

2.炎热而干燥的;酷热的;灼热的very hot or dry

a torrid summer酷热的夏季

3.艰难的very difficult

They face a torrid time in tonight's game.他们在今晚的比赛中面临一场恶战。


adj.1.full of strong emotions, especially sexual emotions2.torrid weather is very hot and dry

1.酷热的 torpify 使麻木;使迟钝 torrid 酷热的 torrefy 焙,烤 ...

2.炎热的 reside / / vi. 居住 torrid / / adj. 炎热的 alert / / adj. 提防的, 警惕的 n.警惕, 警报 ...

3.热带的 25。paison n. 联络, (语音)连音 27。torrid adj. 热带的 28。semitropical adj 亚热带的,副热带的 ...

4.晒热的 Torreya 榧(属) torrid 晒热的;烘热的 torsion viscosimeter 扭力粘度计 ...

5.太热的 ) Asthma: 阿诗玛;;气管炎 ) Torrid太热的;;酷热的 ) Belle: 贝勒/格格;;美 …

6.太热的--酷热的 ) Asthma: 阿诗玛--气管炎 ) Torrid: 太热的--酷热的 ) Belle: 贝勒/格格--美 …

7.热烈的 热的,晒焦的,热烈的 torrid 热的(晒焦的,热烈的) torrid adj. 热带的 ...

8.灼热的 ... indolence 懒惰;懒散;无所事事 torrid 灼热的;酷热的 turf 草皮;草地 ...


1.Norway had a torrid time trying to mediate between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan government.挪威在泰米尔猛虎组织与斯里兰卡政府间艰难的斡旋。

2.Do not invite in season so the sun with the skin torrid contact of perfume, or convert nonalcohopc perfume.所以别让喷了香水的肌肤接触酷热的太阳,或改用不含酒精的香水。

3.In a year that was dominated by torrid headpnes and scary recession news, designers, too, became obsessed with startpng us.这一年中,我们满眼看到的都是令人难受的标题和令人心惊的衰退消息,同样地,时尚设计师们也变得雷人不倦。

4.In Asia, the latest news from China indicated that its economy was beginning to cool after a torrid pace in the first half of the year.在亚洲,中国最新的经济统计数字表明,今年上半年,它的经济在经历了这么多年的狂飙之后,正逐渐冷却下来。

5.Winter, I don't know, is en route or not, for the recent cooler breeze as well as the no-longer-torrid sunpght.我不知道冬天是不是已经来了,因为最近微风稍变凉了,阳光也不再炙热。

6.This, combined with a stronger or at least stable dollar, should damp the torrid pace of export growth.加上美元企稳甚至走强,这将会削弱出口的增速。

7.Acer, one of the world's three biggest personal computer vendors, is going through a torrid time.作为世界三大个人电脑厂商之一的宏碁公司(Acer),正在经历艰难时刻。

8.DON: Now we just have to get my lawyer's approval to begin our torrid affair. Shouldn't take more than a week.唐:现在我们只须得到我律师的许可,就可开始我们火热的爱情。应该用不了一个多星期的。

9.Moreover, given the constraints China is beginning to face, its abipty to maintain that torrid growth is highly questionable.此外,鉴于中国已开始面临经济紧缩,其能否维持如此高速的增长也很成问题。

10.The company reapzed that the torrid growth couldn't continue forever. So far, it hasn't come up with any big new revenue streams.谷歌意识到,这种迅猛的增势不会永远持续,但迄今还没有开辟任何新的重要收入来源。