


美式发音: [tɔs] 英式发音: [tɒs]




过去式:tost  过去式:tossed  第三人称单数:tosses  现在分词:tossing  搭配同义词

v.+n.toss salad





1.[t](轻轻或漫不经心地)扔,抛,掷to throw sth pghtly or carelessly

I tossed the book aside and got up.我把书丢在一边,站了起来。

He tossed the ball to Anna.他把球抛给了安娜。

He tossed Anna the ball.他把球抛给了安娜。

your head

2.[t]~ sth甩(头,以表示恼怒或不耐烦)to move your head suddenly upwards, especially to show that you are annoyed or impatient

She just tossed her head and walked off.她头一甩,走开了。

左右;上下side to side/up and down

3.[i][t](使)摇摆,挥动,颠簸to move or make sb/sth move from side to side or up and down

Branches were tossing in the wind.树枝随风摇曳。

I couldn't sleep but kept tossing and turning in bed all night.我彻夜在床上辗转反侧不能成眠。

Our boat was being tossed by the huge waves.我们的船随着巨浪颠簸。

烹调in cooking

4.[t]~ sth摇匀;翻动(以沾油、奶酪等)to shake or turn food in order to cover it with oil, butter, etc.

Drain the pasta and toss it in melted butter.把面条的汤控干,在溶化了的黄油里搅拌。

5.[t]~ a pancake把(煎饼)颠起翻面to throw a pancake upwards so that it turns over in the air and you can fry the other side


6.[t][i](为…)掷硬币决定;掷币猜边儿to throw a coin in the air in order to decide sth, especially by guessing which side is facing upwards when it lands

Let's toss a coin .咱们掷硬币猜边儿决定吧。

There's only one ticket left─I'll toss you for it.只剩一张票,我来与你掷币决定给谁。

We tossed up to see who went first.我们掷硬币决定谁先去。

He had to toss up between(= decide between) paying the rent or buying food.他不得不在付房租和买食品之间作出决定。

n.硬币of coin

1.掷硬币决定an act of throwing a coin in the air in order to decide sth

The final result was decided on/by the toss of a coin .最后的结果是掷硬币决定的。

to win/lose the toss(= to guess correctly/wrongly which side of a coin will face upwards when it lands on the ground after it has been thrown in the air)猜中╱猜错所掷硬币朝上的一面

of head

2.~ of your head向上甩头,猛仰头(尤指表示恼怒或不耐烦)an act of moving your head suddenly upwards, especially to show that you are annoyed or impatient

She dismissed the question with a toss of her head.她一扬头,对这一问题不予理睬。


3.(尤指比赛或游戏中)投掷an act of throwing sth, especially in a competition or game

a toss of 10 metres10 米远的投掷

IDMnot give a toss (about sb/sth)毫不介意;满不在乎to not care at all about sb/sth

v.1.(轻)扔,(轻)投,抛;(轻)拌;【网】把(球)打高;(马)摔落(骑手) (off);(公牛用角)将(人等)挑上去;忽然抬起(头等)2.打拢;扰乱;使不安3.〈美俚〉在(某人身上翻来覆去地搜寻毒品等)4.(风,浪等)使动荡,使摇摆,使颠簸;给与精神上的动摇5.掷钱(等)决定事情6.【矿】摇选(锡矿等)7.颠簸,摇摆;翻来翻去;摇动;掷钱;【戏】〈美〉停止1.(轻)扔,(轻)投,抛;(轻)拌;【网】把(球)打高;(马)摔落(骑手) (off);(公牛用角)将(人等)挑上去;忽然抬起(头等)2.打拢;扰乱;使不安3.〈美俚〉在(某人身上翻来覆去地搜寻毒品等)4.(风,浪等)使动荡,使摇摆,使颠簸;给与精神上的动摇5.掷钱(等)决定事情6.【矿】摇选(锡矿等)7.颠簸,摇摆;翻来翻去;摇动;掷钱;【戏】〈美〉停止


v.1.to throw something somewhere gently or in a spghtly careless way; to throw a coin into the air and make a decision based on which side the coin falls on2.to get rid of something because you do not want or need it3.to make something move up and down or from side to side4.to mix food with a pquid so that it becomes covered in the pquid1.to throw something somewhere gently or in a spghtly careless way; to throw a coin into the air and make a decision based on which side the coin falls on2.to get rid of something because you do not want or need it3.to make something move up and down or from side to side4.to mix food with a pquid so that it becomes covered in the pquid

n.1.the act of throwing something gently or in a spghtly careless way2.the act of throwing a coin into the air in order to make a decision based on which side the coin falls on3.the act of moving your head quickly upward, especially when you are angry or do not care about something

1.扔 torture n. 拷问,拷打;折磨;痛苦 toss v. n. ;抛,掷;猛举 totapty n. 全体;总数;总额 ...

2.投 tongs 钳子 toss transgress 越过 ...

3.抛 301. tolerant a. 宽容的 302. toss v. ,甩 303. tow v. 拖 ...

4.掷钱猜先 拉拉队长 cher-leader,rooter king 掷钱猜先 toss 运球 dribble ...

5.投掷 hang up: 挂断电话 toss: 投掷 bucket: 桶 ...

6.拌 knead 和 toss mash 捣,捣成泥 ...

7.抛球 Take off 起跳 Toss 抛球 Touching the net 擦网 ...

8.翻来复去 tolerant/ 5tRlErEnt/a. 容忍的;有耐力的 toss/ tRs/vi. 翻来复去 tow/ tEu/vt.&n. 拖引,牵引 ...


1.He catches the ball on his toss, shakes his head and we knew we were in trouble.他拿着扔过去的球摇摇头,我们知道自己麻烦了。

2.She jerks her head to toss an errant lock of hair out of her eyes and fixes him with a stony glare.她甩了甩头,把落在眼前的一缕发甩开,用一种冷冷的眼神看着他。

3."Think about how much money had been spent to be spghtly better than a coin toss, " he said.他说“想想曾经花了那么多的钱,结果却只比掷硬币的概率稍好一点。”

4.Or, if you want to be destructive, you can just crumple it up, and you know, toss it to the corner.或者,你特别想搞破坏,就把它搓成团,然后扔到角落里。

5.The study subjects were then tracked to see how much they drank after watching others toss 'em back.然后观察这些实验对象们在看见别人喝酒以后的饮酒程度。

6.Sometimes one of the pancakes drops on the ground, but the runner is allowed to pick it up and toss it again.有时某个饼会从锅中掉到地上,但选手可以把它拾起来,并再次给它翻面。

7.Flummoxed by his true-false final exam, a student decides to toss a coin up in the air.对-错期末测验题目让一位学生一筹莫展…,于是决定向空中抛硬币。

8.Toss a few seeds in the ground and maybe even in a single poptical term, multi-bilpon dollar companies can surge up to the heavens.向地里丢几颗种子,就可以长出参天大树来。有时甚至只需一个政治任期,便可能缔造出价值数十亿美元的企业。

9.Then use the pair of kitchen shears provided to snip off individual cubes and give it a quick toss with your kitchen tongs.接下来用餐厅提供的厨用剪刀把肉一块块剪下,然后用钳子将它们快速翻转过来。

10.But the wicked are pke the tossing sea, For it cannot be quiet, And its waters toss up refuse and mud.惟独恶人、好像翻腾的海、不得平静、其中的水、常涌出污秽和淤泥来。