


美式发音: [æn'tɑ:ktɪk] 英式发音: [æn'tɑ:ktɪk]






1.南极地区the regions of the world around the South Pole



un.1.region lying south of the Antarctic Circle.

1.南极的 ant n. 蚂蚁 Antarctic a. 南极的 antique n. 古董 ...

2.南极区 answer vi. 符合,适合 antarctic a. 南极的 n.南极区 antenna n. 触角;天线 ...

3.南极地带的 cavern 大山洞,大洞穴 Antarctic 南极的,南极地带的 Antarctica 南极洲 ...

4.南极地方 Antananarivo 安塔那利佛 南极区; Antarctic 南极区; 南极地方 Antarctica 南极洲 ...

5.南极区的 +anonymous 匿名的 +Antarctic 南极的,南极区的 +antenna 2.触角 ...

6.南极地区 anonymous a. 匿名的;无名的,未具名的;无特色的 Antarctic n. 南极地区 antique n. 古玩,古董 ...

7.南极的,南极地带的 cavern 大山洞,大洞穴 132. Antarctic 南极的,南极地带的 133. Antarctica 南极洲 134. ...


1.Mr Lamers said the benefits of Antarctic tourism had to be balanced with the environmental impacts.拉默斯先生说,南极旅游业的利润必须与环境影响保持平衡。

2.Until February, it had been the tongue of the Mertz Glacier, sticking out from the East Antarctic ice sheet into the Southern Ocean.到二月,它已然成为了默茨冰川的突出部分,从东南极冰盖延伸入南大洋。

3.Contrary to expectations, they had not tucked into the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, which only occurs farther south in colder waters.与预期不同的是,牠们并没有吃很多只出现在更南边更冷海域的南极磷虾。

4.The British Antarctic Survey said the ice shelf was "hanging by a thread" .英国南极洲考察团称冰架被旋在一线间。

5.Antarctic sea ice, for instance, does not seem to be shrinking, probably because increased melting is balanced by more snow.例如,南极洲洋面上的冰似乎没有减少,可能是由于加速融化与降雪增多之间达成了平衡。

6.So far the winds have been, shall we say, persistent, which requires a full Antarctic wardrobe to go outside for any length of time.到目前为止,我们应该说大风是坚持不懈的,这使得只要想到外面出去就得穿上全套的极地服。

7."For whatever reason, they were still hanging out on the Antarctic continent, " Case said in a statement.“无论是什么原因,它们确实一直在南极大陆上生活,”凯斯在一份声明中说。

8.So Glover analyzed the DNA of the 1996 whale captured in the North Atlantic, and found a shocker: It was a pure Antarctic whale.于是格勒佛分析了那条1996年在北大西洋捕获鲸鱼的基因,发现一个惊人吃惊的结果:他是条纯种南极鲸。

9.Late 1911, early 1912, there was a race to be the first to the South Pole: the heart of the Antarctic continent.1911年底,1912年初,有一个看谁第一个到达南极点的赛跑,那是南极大陆的心脏。

10.For the first two years I was in the Antarctic I was in awe of many explorers but then I began to have the authority to challenge them.我在南极的头两年时间里,对许多探险队员都很敬畏,可是后来我开始有资格向他们进行挑战。