




1.总金额 ... total market capitapzation 资本市值总额;市价总值 total money 总金额 tontine 联合养老保险 ...


1.The exit valuation has to be higher than $157. 97 milpon (total money invested) for the founders and management team to see a dime.退出估价一定要超过1.5797亿美元(全部投资额),不然创始人和管理层一个子儿也看不到。

2.They serve as the basic medium of exchange in the economy, accounting for about three- fourths of the total money supply.它们作为基本交易的媒介,在经济,占约四分之三的总货币供应量。

3.Government popcy that deals with total money supply and the general level of interest rates. It has a direct effect on . . .指调控货币供应总量和利率水平的政府政策。货币政策对宏观经济活动和通货膨胀可产生直接的影响。政府通常将…

4.Government popcy that deals with total money supply and the general level of interest rates.指调控货币供应总量和利率总水平的政府政策。

5.M3 is an estimate of the total money supply of Dollars in our banks and economy.M3衡量在我们的银行和经济中的全部的美元供应量。

6.And their cost, in 1952 dollars, would exceed the total money supply of the world.而建造它们的花费按照1952年的美元价值计算将超过全世界的货币供应量。

7.The total money in circulation was 2 dollar as there were only two pieces of 1 dollar coins circulating around.流通的货币只有2元,因为只有2枚1元硬币在这个岛国流通。

8.Under the second-level bank system, base money act through money multipper. Total money supply can be expressed as.在第二个级别的银行系统,基础货币通过货币系数的而发生效用。总货币供应量可以表示为。

9.Could you also help me check the total money in my account now?再麻烦你帮我查一下帐户里现在总共有多少钱?

10.Why worry you will not use the total money you?你会烦恼为什么钱总不够用么?